Exact Match:
- Calliope
- a musical instrument consisting of a series of steam whistles played from a keyboard
- (Greek mythology) the Muse of epic poetry
- Hammond organ,
- Mark,
- baroque organ,
- bazooka,
- calliophone,
- choralcelo,
- electric organ,
- electro-pneumatic organ,
- harmonium,
- hedgehog,
- hydraulic organ,
- launch pad,
- launching pad,
- launching platform,
- launching tube,
- melodeon,
- melodica,
- mousetrap,
- orchestrelle,
- organ,
- organophone,
- pipe organ,
- projector,
- reed organ,
- seraphine,
- silo,
- steam organ,
- symphonion,
- tracker-action organ,
- tubular-pneumatic organ,
- vocalion