Exact Match:
- aggressive
- having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends; "an aggressive businessman"; "an aggressive basketball player"; "he was aggressive and imperious; positive in his convictions"; "aggressive drivers"
- characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight; "aggressive acts against another country"; "a belligerent tone"
- tending to spread quickly; "an aggressive tumor"
- abrupt,
- active,
- acute,
- adventuresome,
- adventurous,
- ambitious,
- animated,
- antagonistic,
- assertive,
- battling,
- bearish,
- beastly,
- bellicose,
- belligerent,
- bickering,
- bloodthirsty,
- bloody,
- bloody-minded,
- bluff,
- blunt,
- bold,
- brash,
- brisk,
- brusque,
- cavalier,
- chauvinist,
- chauvinistic,
- churlish,
- combative,
- contentious,
- crusty,
- curt,
- disputatious,
- divisive,
- domineering,
- driving,
- dynamic,
- enemy,
- energetic,
- enterprising,
- enthusiastic,
- eristic,
- factional,
- factious,
- ferocious,
- fierce,
- fighting,
- forceful,
- forcible,
- forward,
- full of fight,
- full of pep,
- go-ahead,
- go-go,
- gruff,
- hard-hitting,
- harsh,
- hawkish,
- hearty,
- hostile,
- hustling,
- imperious,
- impetuous,
- incisive,
- inimical,
- intense,
- irascible,
- irritable,
- jingo,
- jingoish,
- jingoist,
- jingoistic,
- keen,
- kinetic,
- litigious,
- lively,
- living,
- lusty,
- martial,
- masterful,
- mettlesome,
- militant,
- militaristic,
- military,
- offensive,
- on the offensive,
- partisan,
- peppy,
- polarizing,
- polemic,
- pugnacious,
- pushful,
- pushing,
- pushy,
- quarrelsome,
- robust,
- rough,
- saber-rattling,
- sanguinary,
- sanguineous,
- savage,
- scrappy,
- self-assertive,
- severe,
- sharp,
- short,
- shrewish,
- smacking,
- snappy,
- snippy,
- soldierlike,
- soldierly,
- spanking,
- spirited,
- strenuous,
- strong,
- surly,
- take-charge,
- take-over,
- tough,
- trenchant,
- trigger-happy,
- truculent,
- unfriendly,
- unpacific,
- unpeaceable,
- unpeaceful,
- up-and-coming,
- venturesome,
- venturous,
- vibrant,
- vigorous,
- vivacious,
- vivid,
- warlike,
- warmongering,
- warring,
- wrangling,
- zestful,
- zesty,
- zippy