Exact Match:
- anarchic
- without law or control; "the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic"
- Bolshevik,
- Bolshevist,
- Carbonarist,
- Castroist,
- Castroite,
- Communist,
- Fenian,
- Guevarist,
- Jacobinic,
- Leninist,
- Maoist,
- Marxist,
- Mau-Mau,
- Trotskyist,
- Trotskyite,
- Vietcong,
- actionable,
- against the law,
- agin the government,
- amorphic,
- amorphous,
- anarchial,
- anarchistic,
- angry,
- anomic,
- antinomian,
- arsy-varsy,
- ass-backwards,
- baggy,
- balled up,
- black-market,
- blobby,
- blurred,
- blurry,
- blustering,
- blusterous,
- blustery,
- bollixed up,
- bootleg,
- chaotic,
- characterless,
- chargeable,
- confused,
- contraband,
- contrary to law,
- criminal,
- disorderly,
- disorganized,
- featureless,
- felonious,
- flawed,
- formless,
- fouled up,
- frantic,
- frenzied,
- furious,
- fuzzy,
- galley-west,
- hazy,
- hellish,
- helter-skelter,
- higgledy-piggledy,
- hugger-mugger,
- illegal,
- illegitimate,
- illicit,
- impermissible,
- in a mess,
- inchoate,
- indecisive,
- indefinite,
- indeterminate,
- inform,
- infuriate,
- insensate,
- irregular,
- jumbled,
- justiciable,
- kaleidoscopic,
- lawless,
- lumpen,
- mad,
- mindless,
- misty,
- mixed up,
- mucked up,
- muddled,
- nihilistic,
- nonconstitutional,
- nondescript,
- nonlegal,
- nonlicit,
- obscure,
- orderless,
- orgasmic,
- orgastic,
- outlaw,
- outlawed,
- pandemoniac,
- punishable,
- raging,
- ravening,
- raving,
- revolutionist,
- rip-roaring,
- sans-culottic,
- sans-culottish,
- scattered,
- screwed up,
- shapeless,
- skimble-skamble,
- snafu,
- storming,
- stormy,
- syndicalistic,
- tempestuous,
- terrorist,
- topsy-turvy,
- triable,
- troublous,
- tumultuous,
- turbulent,
- unallowed,
- unauthorized,
- unclear,
- unconstitutional,
- undefined,
- under-the-counter,
- under-the-table,
- unlawful,
- unofficial,
- unordered,
- unorganized,
- unruly,
- unstatutory,
- unwarrantable,
- unwarranted,
- uproarious,
- upside-down,
- vague,
- wild,
- wrongful