Exact Match:
- angina
- any disease of the throat or fauces marked by spasmodic attacks of intense suffocative pain
- ache,
- aching,
- angina pectoris,
- aortic insufficiency,
- aortic stenosis,
- apoplectic stroke,
- apoplexy,
- arrhythmia,
- arteriosclerosis,
- atherosclerosis,
- atrial fibrillation,
- auricular fibrillation,
- backache,
- bellyache,
- beriberi heart,
- cardiac arrest,
- cardiac insufficiency,
- cardiac shock,
- cardiac stenosis,
- cardiac thrombosis,
- carditis,
- cephalalgia,
- colic,
- collywobbles,
- congenital heart disease,
- cor biloculare,
- cor juvenum,
- cor triatriatum,
- coronary,
- coronary insufficiency,
- coronary thrombosis,
- diastolic hypertension,
- earache,
- encased heart,
- endocarditis,
- extrasystole,
- fatty heart,
- fibroid heart,
- flask-shaped heart,
- fret,
- frosted heart,
- gnawing,
- gripe,
- gripes,
- gut-ache,
- hairy heart,
- headache,
- heart attack,
- heart block,
- heart condition,
- heart disease,
- heart failure,
- heartburn,
- hemicrania,
- high blood pressure,
- hypertension,
- hypertensive heart disease,
- ischemic heart disease,
- megrim,
- migraine,
- mitral insufficiency,
- mitral stenosis,
- myocardial infarction,
- myocardial insufficiency,
- myocarditis,
- myovascular insufficiency,
- odontalgia,
- otalgia,
- ox heart,
- palpitation,
- paralytic stroke,
- paroxysmal tachycardia,
- pericarditis,
- pile,
- premature beat,
- pseudoaortic insufficiency,
- pulmonary insufficiency,
- pulmonary stenosis,
- pyrosis,
- rheumatic heart disease,
- round heart,
- sclerosis,
- sick headache,
- splitting headache,
- stomachache,
- stony heart,
- stroke,
- tachycardia,
- throbbing pain,
- thrombosis,
- toothache,
- tricuspid insufficiency,
- tricuspid stenosis,
- turtle heart,
- varicose veins,
- varix,
- ventricular fibrillation