Exact Match:
- antibiotic
- a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections; "when antibiotics were first discovered they were called wonder drugs"
- of or relating to antibiotic drugs
- Chloromycetin,
- Terramycin,
- acaricide,
- actinomycin,
- alexipharmic,
- amphotericin,
- antacid,
- anthelmintic,
- antidotal,
- antimicrobial,
- antipyretic,
- antiseptic,
- antitoxic,
- bacitracin,
- bacteriostatic,
- bug bomb,
- carbamate insecticide,
- carbomycin,
- chemosterilant,
- chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide,
- chlortetracycline,
- cloxacillin,
- contact poison,
- defoliant,
- dihydrostreptomycin,
- disinfectant,
- eradicant,
- erythromycin,
- febrifugal,
- fradicin,
- fumigant,
- fungicide,
- germicide,
- gramicidin,
- griseofulvin,
- herbicide,
- insect powder,
- insecticide,
- methicillin,
- microbicide,
- miticide,
- mitomycin,
- organic chlorine,
- organic phosphate insecticide,
- penicillin,
- pesticide,
- poison,
- rat poison,
- roach paste,
- roach powder,
- rodenticide,
- stomach poison,
- streptomycin,
- streptothricin,
- subtilin,
- sulfa,
- systemic,
- systemic insecticide,
- tetracycline,
- toxic,
- toxicant,
- toxin,
- tylocin,
- tyrothricin,
- vancomycin,
- venin,
- venom,
- vermicide,
- viomycin,
- virus,
- weed killer