Exact Match:
- asperity
- harshness of manner
- something hard to endure; "the asperity of northern winters"
- acerbity,
- acid,
- acidity,
- acidness,
- acidulousness,
- acridity,
- acrimony,
- anger,
- animosity,
- astringency,
- austerity,
- bad humor,
- bad temper,
- bile,
- biliousness,
- bitingness,
- bitter resentment,
- bitterness,
- bitterness of spirit,
- bumpiness,
- causticity,
- causticness,
- choler,
- choppiness,
- corrosiveness,
- cragginess,
- cuttingness,
- discontent,
- edge,
- gall,
- gnashing of teeth,
- granulation,
- grimness,
- hard feelings,
- hardness,
- hardship,
- harshness,
- heartburning,
- hispidity,
- ill humor,
- ill nature,
- ill temper,
- incisiveness,
- inclemency,
- inequality,
- irregularity,
- irritability,
- jaggedness,
- joltiness,
- keenness,
- mordacity,
- mordancy,
- nonuniformity,
- piercingness,
- piquancy,
- poignancy,
- pungency,
- raggedness,
- rancor,
- rankling,
- rigor,
- rough air,
- roughness,
- ruggedness,
- rugosity,
- scraggliness,
- severity,
- sharpness,
- slow burn,
- snappishness,
- soreness,
- sourness,
- spleen,
- stabbingness,
- stringency,
- tartness,
- tooth,
- trenchancy,
- turbulence,
- unevenness,
- unsmoothness,
- ununiformity,
- vicissitude,
- virulence,
- waspishness