- Gothicism,
- Irish bull,
- Neanderthalism,
- age of ignorance,
- animality,
- antiphrasis,
- bad taste,
- barbarity,
- barbarousness,
- benightedness,
- benightment,
- bestiality,
- bombasticness,
- brutality,
- brutishness,
- cacology,
- cacophony,
- clumsiness,
- coarseness,
- colloquialism,
- corruption,
- crudeness,
- cumbrousness,
- dark,
- dark age,
- darkness,
- dysphemism,
- error,
- foreignism,
- gracelessness,
- grossness,
- harshness,
- heathenism,
- heaviness,
- ill breeding,
- ill-balanced sentences,
- impoliteness,
- impropriety,
- impurity,
- incivility,
- inconcinnity,
- incorrectness,
- indecorousness,
- inelegance,
- inelegancy,
- infelicity,
- lack of finish,
- lack of polish,
- lapse,
- leadenness,
- localism,
- malaprop,
- malapropism,
- misconstruction,
- missaying,
- misusage,
- misuse,
- neologism,
- paganism,
- philistinism,
- pompousness,
- ponderousness,
- poor diction,
- roughness,
- rudeness,
- savagery,
- savagism,
- sesquipedalianism,
- sesquipedality,
- shibboleth,
- slang,
- slip,
- slipshod construction,
- solecism,
- spoonerism,
- stiltedness,
- taboo word,
- tastelessness,
- troglodytism,
- turgidity,
- uncivilizedness,
- uncouthness,
- uncultivatedness,
- uncultivation,
- unculturedness,
- unenlightenment,
- uneuphoniousness,
- ungracefulness,
- ungrammaticism,
- unrefinement,
- unseemliness,
- unwieldiness,
- vernacularism,
- vulgarism,
- vulgarity,
- wildness