Exact Match:
- barren
- an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation; "the barrens of central Africa"; "the trackless wastes of the desert"
- incapable of sustaining life; "the dead and barren Moon"
- not bearing offspring; "a barren woman"; "learned early in his marriage that he was sterile"
- completely wanting or lacking; "writing barren of insight"; "young recruits destitute of experience"; "a novel devoid of wit and inventiveness"; "a life empty of happiness"; "innocent of literary merit"; "void of understanding"
- abortive,
- acarpous,
- arid,
- bare,
- blah,
- bland,
- blank,
- bleached,
- bleak,
- bloodless,
- bootless,
- celibate,
- characterless,
- childless,
- clear,
- cold,
- colorless,
- counterproductive,
- dead,
- depleted,
- desert,
- desolate,
- devoid,
- dismal,
- draggy,
- drained,
- drearisome,
- dreary,
- dried-up,
- dry,
- dryasdust,
- dull,
- dusty,
- earthbound,
- effete,
- elephantine,
- empty,
- etiolated,
- exhausted,
- fade,
- fallow,
- fatuitous,
- fatuous,
- featureless,
- feckless,
- flat,
- fruitless,
- futile,
- gainless,
- gaunt,
- gelded,
- heavy,
- ho-hum,
- hollow,
- impotent,
- impoverished,
- inadequate,
- inane,
- ineffective,
- ineffectual,
- inefficacious,
- inexcitable,
- infecund,
- infertile,
- inoperative,
- insipid,
- invalid,
- irreclaimable,
- issueless,
- jejune,
- leached,
- leaden,
- lifeless,
- literal,
- low-spirited,
- menopausal,
- mundane,
- nonfertile,
- nonproducing,
- nonproductive,
- nonprolific,
- nonremunerative,
- nugacious,
- nugatory,
- null,
- null and void,
- of no force,
- otiose,
- pale,
- pallid,
- parched,
- pedestrian,
- plodding,
- pointless,
- poky,
- ponderous,
- poor,
- profitless,
- prosaic,
- prosing,
- prosy,
- rewardless,
- sine prole,
- slow,
- solemn,
- spiritless,
- staid,
- sterile,
- stiff,
- stodgy,
- stolid,
- stuffy,
- sucked dry,
- superficial,
- tasteless,
- tedious,
- teemless,
- unavailing,
- uncultivable,
- uncultivated,
- unfanciful,
- unfertile,
- unfruitful,
- unideal,
- unimaginative,
- uninspired,
- uninventive,
- unlively,
- unoriginal,
- unplowed,
- unpoetic,
- unproductive,
- unprofitable,
- unprolific,
- unrelieved,
- unremunerative,
- unrewarding,
- unromantic,
- unromanticized,
- unsown,
- untilled,
- useless,
- vacant,
- vacuous,
- vain,
- vapid,
- virgin,
- void,
- waste,
- wasted,
- wasteland,
- white,
- wild,
- wilderness,
- wildness,
- with nothing inside,
- without content,
- without issue,
- wooden,
- worn-out