- Byzantine,
- absolute,
- addled,
- agape,
- aghast,
- agog,
- all agog,
- all up with,
- amazed,
- astonished,
- astounded,
- at a loss,
- at gaze,
- awed,
- awestruck,
- baffled,
- balled up,
- bamboozled,
- beat,
- beaten,
- beguiled,
- belied,
- bested,
- bewildered,
- bewitched,
- blamed,
- blankety-blank,
- blasted,
- blessed,
- breathless,
- buffaloed,
- captivated,
- complex,
- complicated,
- confused,
- confuted,
- convoluted,
- crabbed,
- cursed,
- cussed,
- dadburned,
- daedal,
- danged,
- darned,
- dashed,
- dazed,
- defeated,
- deflated,
- denied,
- deuced,
- devious,
- discarded,
- discomfited,
- discredited,
- dismayed,
- dismissed,
- disproved,
- disputed,
- doggone,
- doggoned,
- done for,
- done in,
- down,
- dumbfounded,
- dumbstruck,
- elaborate,
- embrangled,
- enchanted,
- enraptured,
- enravished,
- entangled,
- enthralled,
- entranced,
- execrable,
- exploded,
- exposed,
- fallen,
- fascinated,
- fixed,
- flabbergasted,
- floored,
- fouled up,
- fuddled,
- gaping,
- gauping,
- goldarned,
- goshdarn,
- gross,
- hors de combat,
- hypnotized,
- implicated,
- impugned,
- in a dilemma,
- in awe,
- in awe of,
- in suspense,
- infernal,
- intricate,
- invalidated,
- involuted,
- involved,
- knotted,
- labyrinthian,
- labyrinthine,
- lambasted,
- lathered,
- licked,
- lost in wonder,
- loused up,
- many-faceted,
- marveling,
- matted,
- mazy,
- meandering,
- mesmerized,
- messed up,
- mixed up,
- mucked up,
- muddled,
- multifarious,
- mystified,
- negated,
- negatived,
- nonplussed,
- on tenterhooks,
- on the skids,
- open-eyed,
- openmouthed,
- out-and-out,
- outdone,
- outright,
- overborne,
- overcome,
- overmastered,
- overmatched,
- overpowered,
- overridden,
- overthrown,
- overturned,
- overwhelmed,
- panicked,
- perplexed,
- popeyed,
- punctured,
- put to rout,
- puzzled,
- ramified,
- rank,
- rapt in wonder,
- refuted,
- rejected,
- roundabout,
- routed,
- ruddy,
- ruined,
- scattered,
- screwed up,
- settled,
- shocked,
- shown up,
- silenced,
- skinned,
- skinned alive,
- snarled,
- spellbound,
- staggered,
- stampeded,
- staring,
- straight-out,
- stuck,
- stumped,
- stupefied,
- subtle,
- surprised,
- tangled,
- tangly,
- thrown,
- thunderstruck,
- trimmed,
- trounced,
- twisted,
- under a charm,
- undone,
- unmitigated,
- upset,
- whelmed,
- whipped,
- wide-eyed,
- wonder-struck,
- wondering,
- worsted