- abruptness,
- aggressiveness,
- bearishness,
- beastliness,
- bluntness,
- boorishness,
- brachylogy,
- brashness,
- brevity,
- briefness,
- brusqueness,
- brusquerie,
- churlishness,
- compactness,
- compendiousness,
- conciseness,
- concision,
- crispness,
- crustiness,
- dumbness,
- economy of words,
- gruffness,
- harshness,
- instantaneousness,
- laconicalness,
- laconism,
- littleness,
- lowness,
- muteness,
- nastiness,
- obmutescence,
- pauciloquy,
- pithiness,
- pointedness,
- quietness,
- quietude,
- reserve,
- roughness,
- sententiousness,
- severity,
- sharpness,
- short time,
- shortness,
- silence,
- sparingness of words,
- speechlessness,
- succinctness,
- summariness,
- surliness,
- taciturnity,
- terseness,
- transience,
- truculence,
- unloquaciousness,
- untalkativeness,
- wordlessness