Exact Match:
- dashed
- having gaps or spaces; "sign on the dotted line"
- absolute,
- baffled,
- balked,
- betrayed,
- bilked,
- blamed,
- blankety-blank,
- blasted,
- blessed,
- blighted,
- bowed-down,
- cast down,
- chapfallen,
- confounded,
- crestfallen,
- crossed,
- crushed,
- cursed,
- cussed,
- dadburned,
- damnable,
- danged,
- darned,
- defeated,
- dejected,
- demoralized,
- depressed,
- despairing,
- despondent,
- desponding,
- deuced,
- disappointed,
- discouraged,
- disheartened,
- dished,
- disillusioned,
- dispirited,
- dissatisfied,
- doggone,
- doggoned,
- down,
- downcast,
- downhearted,
- downright,
- drooping,
- droopy,
- feeling low,
- foiled,
- frustrated,
- goldanged,
- goldarned,
- goshdarn,
- gross,
- heartless,
- hypochondriac,
- hypochondriacal,
- ill done-by,
- ill-served,
- in low spirits,
- in the depths,
- in the doldrums,
- in the dumps,
- infernal,
- languishing,
- let down,
- low,
- low-spirited,
- neurasthenic,
- out of countenance,
- outright,
- overcome,
- pessimistic,
- pining,
- prostrate,
- prostrated,
- reduced to jelly,
- regretful,
- ruddy,
- shaken,
- shot,
- shot to pieces,
- sorely disappointed,
- soured,
- spiritless,
- stricken,
- subdued,
- suicidal,
- thwarted,
- undone,
- unglued,
- unmanned,
- unmitigated,
- unnerved,
- unstrung,
- upset,
- weary of life,
- woebegone,
- world-weary