Exact Match:
- dinosaur
- any of numerous extinct terrestrial reptiles of the Mesozoic era
- alligator,
- ammonite,
- ankylosaur,
- archaeohippus,
- archaeotherium,
- archelon,
- arthrodiran,
- aurochs,
- bothriolepis,
- brachiosaur,
- brontops,
- brontothere,
- coccostean,
- coelodont,
- compsognathus,
- coryphodon,
- cotylosaur,
- creodont,
- crocodile,
- crocodilian,
- crossopterygian,
- cynodictis,
- diatryma,
- dimetrodon,
- dinichthyid,
- dinothere,
- diplodocus,
- duck-billed dinosaur,
- edaphosaurid,
- elasmosaur,
- elephant,
- eryopsid,
- eurypterid,
- gator,
- giant sloth,
- glyptodont,
- hadrosaur,
- hippo,
- hippopotamus,
- jumbo,
- leviathan,
- lizard,
- mammoth,
- mastodon,
- monster,
- palaeodictyopteron,
- palaeoniscid,
- palaeophis,
- palaeosaur,
- palaeospondylus,
- pelycosaur,
- phytosaur,
- plesiosaur,
- protoceratops,
- protylopus,
- pteranodon,
- pteraspid,
- pterichthys,
- pterodactyl,
- pterosaur,
- reptile,
- reptilian,
- saurian,
- sauropod,
- scelidosaur,
- smilodon,
- terrapin,
- titanosaur,
- tortoise,
- trachodon,
- triceratops,
- trilobite,
- turtle,
- tyrannosaur,
- uintathere,
- urus,
- whale,
- woolly mammoth