Exact Match:
- disagreeable
- not to your liking; "a most disagreeable journey"; "a disagreeable old man"; "in a disagreeable mood"
- not agreeing with your tastes or expectations; "found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it"; "a job temperamentally unsympathetic to him"
- abominable,
- abrupt,
- annoying,
- antagonistic,
- antipathetic,
- at cross-purposes,
- at loggerheads,
- at odds,
- at variance,
- at war,
- bad-tempered,
- bearish,
- bitchy,
- bitter,
- blunt,
- brusque,
- cankered,
- cantankerous,
- churlish,
- clashing,
- contradictory,
- contrary,
- crabbed,
- cranky,
- cross,
- cross-grained,
- crusty,
- curt,
- cussed,
- differing,
- disaccordant,
- disagreeing,
- discordant,
- discourteous,
- discrepant,
- disgusting,
- disharmonious,
- dislikable,
- disobliging,
- displeasing,
- disproportionate,
- dissident,
- dissonant,
- distasteful,
- distressing,
- disturbing,
- divergent,
- excitable,
- feisty,
- foul-tasting,
- fractious,
- fretful,
- grating,
- grouchy,
- had,
- hostile,
- huffish,
- huffy,
- ill,
- ill-flavored,
- ill-humored,
- ill-mannered,
- ill-tempered,
- immiscible,
- impolite,
- inaccordant,
- incompatible,
- inharmonious,
- inhospitable,
- irascible,
- irritable,
- jangling,
- jarring,
- mean,
- morose,
- nasty,
- nauseating,
- nauseous,
- negative,
- noxious,
- objectionable,
- obnoxious,
- odious,
- offensive,
- ornery,
- out of accord,
- out of whack,
- peevish,
- perverse,
- pettish,
- petulant,
- querulous,
- repellent,
- repugnant,
- repulsive,
- revolting,
- rotten,
- rude,
- short,
- sickening,
- snappish,
- snappy,
- sour,
- spiteful,
- spleeny,
- splenetic,
- sulky,
- sullen,
- testy,
- thankless,
- ugly,
- unaffectionate,
- unalluring,
- unamiable,
- unappealing,
- unappetizing,
- unattractive,
- unbenign,
- unbenignant,
- uncivil,
- uncompassionate,
- uncompassioned,
- uncongenial,
- uncooperative,
- uncordial,
- uncourtly,
- undelectable,
- undelicious,
- undesirable,
- unengaging,
- unenjoyable,
- unfriendly,
- ungenial,
- ungracious,
- unhappy,
- unharmonious,
- uninviting,
- unkind,
- unkindly,
- unlikable,
- unloving,
- unpalatable,
- unpleasant,
- unpleasing,
- unsavory,
- unsympathetic,
- unsympathizing,
- untasteful,
- untasty,
- unwelcome,
- variant,
- waspish,
- whiny,
- woeful