Exact Match:
- disgraceful
- giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation; "scandalous behavior"; "the wicked rascally shameful conduct of the bankrupt"- Thackeray; "the most shocking book of its time"
- aberrant,
- abnormal,
- abominable,
- arrant,
- atrocious,
- bad,
- base,
- beneath one,
- black,
- blamable,
- blameworthy,
- cheap,
- contemptible,
- corrupt,
- criminal,
- damnable,
- dark,
- debased,
- debasing,
- degraded,
- degrading,
- delinquent,
- demeaning,
- deplorable,
- despicable,
- deviant,
- discreditable,
- dishonorable,
- disreputable,
- embarrassing,
- evil,
- execrable,
- flagitious,
- flagrant,
- foul,
- gutter,
- hardly the thing,
- heinous,
- humiliating,
- humiliative,
- ignominious,
- illegal,
- improper,
- inappropriate,
- incorrect,
- indecent,
- indecorous,
- infamous,
- infra dig,
- infra indignitatem,
- inglorious,
- iniquitous,
- knavish,
- lascivious,
- lewd,
- low,
- mean,
- monstrous,
- naughty,
- nefarious,
- not done,
- not the thing,
- notorious,
- objectionable,
- off-base,
- off-color,
- opprobrious,
- out-of-line,
- outrageous,
- peccant,
- pitiful,
- rank,
- reprehensible,
- reprobate,
- rude,
- sacrilegious,
- sad,
- scandalous,
- shabby,
- shady,
- shameful,
- shameless,
- shocking,
- shoddy,
- sinful,
- sorry,
- terrible,
- too bad,
- unbecoming,
- undue,
- unfit,
- unfitting,
- unforgivable,
- unlawful,
- unpardonable,
- unrespectable,
- unrighteous,
- unseemly,
- unspeakable,
- unsuitable,
- unworthy,
- unworthy of one,
- vicious,
- vile,
- villainous,
- wicked,
- wrong,
- wrongful