Exact Match:
- disingenuous
- not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness; "an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time"- David Cannadine; "a disingenuous excuse"
- apparently sound,
- artful,
- calculating,
- casuistic,
- clever,
- colorable,
- contriving,
- crafty,
- cunning,
- deceitful,
- deceptive,
- designing,
- devious,
- dishonest,
- double-dealing,
- duplicitous,
- empty,
- fallacious,
- false,
- falsehearted,
- feigned,
- forsworn,
- foxy,
- guileful,
- hollow,
- hypocritical,
- illusive,
- indirect,
- insidious,
- insincere,
- jesuitic,
- left-handed,
- mealymouthed,
- oblique,
- overrefined,
- oversubtle,
- perjured,
- philosophistic,
- plausible,
- plotting,
- scheming,
- shifty,
- slick,
- sly,
- smooth,
- sophistic,
- sophistical,
- specious,
- tongue in cheek,
- tricky,
- two-faced,
- uncandid,
- underhanded,
- unfrank,
- unserious,
- unsincere,
- untruthful,
- wily