Exact Match:
- dismiss
- bar from attention or consideration; "She dismissed his advances"
- cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration; "This case is dismissed!"
- end one's encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave; "I was dismissed after I gave my report"
- stop associating with; "They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock"
- abandon,
- abjure,
- absolve,
- acquit,
- amnesty,
- answer,
- answer conclusively,
- argue down,
- ax,
- banish,
- beat back,
- belittle,
- boot,
- boot out,
- bounce,
- bow out,
- break,
- break up,
- brush aside,
- brush off,
- bump,
- bundle,
- bundle off,
- bust,
- can,
- cashier,
- cast,
- cast loose,
- chase,
- chase away,
- chase off,
- chuck,
- chuck out,
- clear,
- confound,
- confute,
- contemn,
- contradict,
- controvert,
- crush,
- cut,
- cut dead,
- deactivate,
- debrief,
- decline,
- deconsecrate,
- decontaminate,
- defeat,
- defrock,
- degrade,
- demob,
- demobilize,
- demolish,
- demote,
- deny,
- deplume,
- depose,
- deprive,
- deride,
- deselect,
- despise,
- destigmatize,
- detach,
- dethrone,
- diminish,
- disapprove,
- disband,
- disbar,
- discard,
- discharge,
- disclaim,
- discount,
- discrown,
- disdain,
- disemploy,
- disenthrone,
- disintegrate,
- disorganize,
- disown,
- dispense from,
- disperse,
- displace,
- displume,
- dispose of,
- disregard,
- dissolve,
- drive away,
- drive back,
- drop,
- drop the subject,
- drum out,
- eject,
- evict,
- except,
- exclude,
- excommunicate,
- exculpate,
- excuse,
- exempt,
- exempt from,
- exonerate,
- expel,
- extrude,
- fend off,
- finish,
- fire,
- floor,
- flout,
- forget,
- forget about it,
- forget it,
- forgive,
- forswear,
- free,
- furlough,
- gibe,
- gird,
- give absolution,
- give the air,
- give the ax,
- give the gate,
- give the go-by,
- go bail for,
- go separate ways,
- grant amnesty to,
- grant bail to,
- grant immunity,
- grant remission,
- have done with,
- hold off,
- hustle out,
- ignore,
- jeer,
- justify,
- keep off,
- kick,
- kick out,
- kick upstairs,
- lay aside,
- lay off,
- let go,
- let go free,
- let it go,
- let loose,
- let off,
- let out,
- let slip,
- liquidate,
- look right through,
- make little of,
- make redundant,
- mock,
- muster out,
- neglect,
- nonplus,
- nonpros,
- oust,
- out,
- overlook,
- overthrow,
- overturn,
- overwhelm,
- pack off,
- pardon,
- parole,
- parry,
- part,
- part company,
- pass by,
- pass up,
- pension,
- pension off,
- pooh-pooh,
- purge,
- push aside,
- push back,
- put aside,
- put away,
- put back,
- put on parole,
- put to silence,
- quash the charge,
- rally,
- read out of,
- rebuff,
- rebut,
- recant,
- reduce to silence,
- refuse,
- refuse to acknowledge,
- refuse to consider,
- refuse to recognize,
- refute,
- reject,
- release,
- remit,
- remove,
- remove from office,
- renounce,
- repel,
- replace,
- reprobate,
- repudiate,
- repulse,
- retire,
- ridicule,
- riff,
- sack,
- scatter,
- scoff,
- scorn,
- scout,
- send away,
- send off,
- send packing,
- separate,
- separate forcibly,
- set aside,
- set free,
- settle,
- shed,
- shove away,
- show the door,
- show the gate,
- shrive,
- shrug off,
- shut up,
- silence,
- slight,
- slough,
- smash all opposition,
- sneeze at,
- snub,
- split up,
- spurn,
- squash,
- squelch,
- strip,
- strip of office,
- strip of rank,
- subvert,
- superannuate,
- surplus,
- suspend,
- taunt,
- terminate,
- think nothing of,
- throw away,
- throw out,
- thrust aside,
- thrust back,
- toss out,
- turn away,
- turn away from,
- turn back,
- turn down,
- turn off,
- turn out,
- twit,
- unchurch,
- undermine,
- unfrock,
- unhand,
- unmarry,
- unsaddle,
- unseat,
- unthrone,
- upset,
- vindicate,
- waive,
- ward off,
- whitewash,
- withdraw the charge,
- write off