Exact Match:
- distorted
- having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented; "many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality"; "a perverted translation of the poem"
- aberrant,
- abroad,
- adrift,
- affected,
- all abroad,
- all off,
- all wrong,
- amiss,
- anamorphous,
- apocryphal,
- artificial,
- askew,
- assumed,
- astray,
- asymmetric,
- at fault,
- awry,
- bastard,
- bent,
- beside the mark,
- blemished,
- bogus,
- bowed,
- brummagem,
- catachrestic,
- checked,
- cicatrized,
- cockeyed,
- colorable,
- colored,
- contorted,
- corrupt,
- counterfeit,
- counterfeited,
- cracked,
- crazed,
- crazy,
- crooked,
- crumpled,
- crunched,
- deceptive,
- defaced,
- defective,
- deflected,
- deflective,
- deformed,
- delusive,
- deviant,
- deviational,
- deviative,
- diffracted,
- diffractive,
- diffuse,
- diffused,
- disfigured,
- dispersed,
- dressed up,
- dummy,
- eisegetical,
- embellished,
- embroidered,
- errant,
- erring,
- erroneous,
- ersatz,
- factitious,
- fake,
- faked,
- fallacious,
- false,
- falsified,
- faultful,
- faulty,
- feigned,
- fictitious,
- fictive,
- flawed,
- flectional,
- flexed,
- garbled,
- heretical,
- heterodox,
- illegitimate,
- illogical,
- illusory,
- imitation,
- inflective,
- irregular,
- junky,
- keloidal,
- kinked,
- labyrinthine,
- lopsided,
- make-believe,
- man-made,
- marred,
- misapprehended,
- misconceived,
- misconstrued,
- misinterpreted,
- misread,
- mistaken,
- misunderstood,
- mock,
- nonsymmetric,
- not right,
- not true,
- off,
- off the track,
- one-sided,
- out,
- peccant,
- perverse,
- perverted,
- phony,
- pimpled,
- pimply,
- pinchbeck,
- pretended,
- pseudo,
- put-on,
- quasi,
- queer,
- refracted,
- refractile,
- refractive,
- refrangible,
- scabbed,
- scabby,
- scarified,
- scarred,
- scattered,
- self-contradictory,
- self-styled,
- sham,
- shoddy,
- simulated,
- skew,
- skewed,
- so-called,
- soi-disant,
- split,
- sprung,
- spurious,
- straying,
- supposititious,
- synthetic,
- tin,
- tinsel,
- titivated,
- tortuous,
- twisted,
- unauthentic,
- unfactual,
- ungenuine,
- unnatural,
- unorthodox,
- unproved,
- unreal,
- unsymmetric,
- untrue,
- warped,
- wide,
- wrong