Exact Match:
- disturbed
- emotionally unstable and having difficulty coping with personal relationships
- having the place or position changed; "the disturbed books and papers on her desk"; "disturbed grass showed where the horse had passed"
- abashed,
- abroad,
- adrift,
- afflicted,
- aggravated,
- agitated,
- all-overish,
- amiss,
- angry,
- annoyed,
- anxious,
- anxioused up,
- apprehensive,
- askew,
- astray,
- at sea,
- awry,
- balled-up,
- batty,
- beset,
- bewildered,
- bonkers,
- bothered,
- brain-damaged,
- brain-injured,
- browned-off,
- bugged,
- burnt-up,
- cast down,
- catatonic,
- certifiable,
- chafed,
- chagrined,
- chaotic,
- chapfallen,
- clueless,
- cockeyed,
- concerned,
- confused,
- convulsed,
- crazy,
- depressed,
- deranged,
- disarranged,
- discomfited,
- discomforted,
- discomposed,
- disconcerted,
- dislocated,
- dismayed,
- disordered,
- disorderly,
- disorganized,
- disoriented,
- disquieted,
- distracted,
- distraught,
- distressed,
- embarrassed,
- exasperated,
- excited,
- fearful,
- feverish,
- fidgety,
- flurried,
- flustered,
- fluttered,
- foreboding,
- fussed,
- galled,
- griped,
- guessing,
- haywire,
- hung up,
- hypochondriac,
- hysteric,
- ill at ease,
- in a fix,
- in a jumble,
- in a maze,
- in a pickle,
- in a pother,
- in a pucker,
- in a scrape,
- in a stew,
- in a sweat,
- in a swivet,
- in a tizzy,
- in disorder,
- insane,
- irked,
- irritated,
- jittery,
- jumbled,
- jumpy,
- lost,
- mad,
- maladjusted,
- manic-depressive,
- mazed,
- mentally ill,
- mentally sick,
- miffed,
- misgiving,
- misplaced,
- mixed-up,
- mortified,
- nervous,
- nervy,
- nettled,
- neurasthenic,
- neurotic,
- nuts,
- off the track,
- on tenterhooks,
- on the fritz,
- out of countenance,
- out of gear,
- out of joint,
- out of kelter,
- out of kilter,
- out of order,
- out of place,
- out of tune,
- out of whack,
- overanxious,
- overapprehensive,
- paranoiac,
- paranoid,
- peeved,
- perplexed,
- perturbed,
- phobic,
- piqued,
- provoked,
- psychasthenic,
- psychoneurotic,
- psychopathic,
- psychotic,
- put-out,
- put-upon,
- rattled,
- resentful,
- restless,
- riled,
- roiled,
- roily,
- ruffled,
- schiz,
- schizoid,
- schizophrenic,
- schizy,
- screwy,
- shaken,
- shaken up,
- shook,
- shuffled,
- solicitous,
- stirred up,
- strained,
- suspenseful,
- tense,
- troubled,
- troublous,
- turbid,
- turbulent,
- turned around,
- unbalanced,
- uncomfortable,
- uneasy,
- unpeaceful,
- unquiet,
- unsettled,
- upset,
- vexed,
- without a clue,
- worried,
- zealous