Exact Match:
- dotage
- mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
- advanced age,
- advanced years,
- age,
- age of retirement,
- an incurable disease,
- anility,
- blind faith,
- caducity,
- childishness,
- credulity,
- credulousness,
- debility,
- decline,
- decline of life,
- declining years,
- decrepitude,
- disposition to believe,
- dotardism,
- ease of belief,
- eld,
- elderliness,
- feebleness,
- fondness,
- green old age,
- gross credulity,
- hale old age,
- hoary age,
- infatuation,
- infirm old age,
- infirmity,
- infirmity of age,
- longevity,
- old age,
- oldness,
- overcredulity,
- overcredulousness,
- overopenness to conviction,
- overtrustfulness,
- pensionable age,
- rash conviction,
- ricketiness,
- ripe old age,
- second childhood,
- senectitude,
- senile debility,
- senile dementia,
- senile psychosis,
- senile weakness,
- senilism,
- senility,
- senior citizenship,
- superannuation,
- the downward slope,
- the golden years,
- trustfulness,
- uncritical acceptance,
- uncriticalness,
- unquestioning belief,
- unripe acceptation,
- unskepticalness,
- unsuspectingness,
- unsuspiciousness,
- vale of years,
- white hairs,
- will to believe,
- willingness to believe,
- wishful belief,
- wishful thinking