- Agapemone,
- Arcadia,
- Big Rock-Candy Mountain,
- Canaan,
- Cloudcuckooland,
- Cockaigne,
- Eden,
- Eldorado,
- Erewhon,
- Garden of Eden,
- Goshen,
- Happy Valley,
- Land of Youth,
- Laputa,
- Never-Never-land,
- Neverland,
- New Atlantis,
- Pandemonium,
- Quivira,
- Shangri-la,
- Utopia,
- airy nothing,
- autism,
- beauty sleep,
- beddy-bye,
- bedtime,
- blanket drill,
- bubble,
- bye-bye,
- chimera,
- cloudland,
- daydream,
- deception,
- deluded belief,
- delusion,
- dereism,
- doze,
- dream,
- dream vision,
- dreamworld,
- drowse,
- dystopia,
- faerie,
- fairyland,
- false belief,
- fitful sleep,
- heaven,
- hibernation,
- ignis fatuus,
- illusion,
- kakotopia,
- kingdom come,
- land of Nod,
- land of dreams,
- land of enchantment,
- land of faerie,
- land of plenty,
- land of promise,
- light sleep,
- lotus land,
- millennium,
- misbelief,
- misconception,
- paradise,
- pipe dream,
- promised land,
- repose,
- self-deceit,
- self-deception,
- self-delusion,
- shut-eye,
- silken repose,
- sleep,
- sleepland,
- sleepwalking,
- slumber,
- slumberland,
- snoozle,
- somnambulism,
- somniloquy,
- somnus,
- trick,
- trip,
- unconsciousness,
- utopia,
- vapor,
- winter sleep,
- wonderland,
- wrong impression