Exact Match:
- dullness
- without sharpness or clearness of edge or point; "the dullness of the pencil made his writing illegible"
- lack of sensibility; "there was a dullness in his heart"; "without him the dullness of her life crept into her work no matter how she tried to compartmentalize it."
- a lack of visual brightness; "the brightness of the orange sky was reflected in the dullness of the orange sea"
- the quality of lacking interestingness; "the stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees"
- the quality of being slow to understand
- abruptness,
- absence of color,
- acedia,
- achromaticity,
- achromatism,
- adynamia,
- aloofness,
- analgesia,
- anemia,
- anesthesia,
- angst,
- anguish,
- anxiety,
- apathy,
- aridity,
- aridness,
- ashiness,
- asininity,
- ataraxia,
- ataraxy,
- atony,
- autism,
- barrenness,
- benumbedness,
- blah,
- blah feeling,
- blahs,
- blockishness,
- bloodlessness,
- bluffness,
- bluntness,
- boobishness,
- boorishness,
- boredom,
- boringness,
- bovinity,
- cachexia,
- cachexy,
- cadaverousness,
- callousness,
- canescence,
- catatonia,
- cheerlessness,
- chill,
- chilliness,
- chloranemia,
- cloddishness,
- cold blood,
- cold heart,
- coldness,
- colorlessness,
- coma,
- comatoseness,
- commonness,
- commonplaceness,
- coolness,
- cowardice,
- crassness,
- crudeness,
- deadness,
- deadpan,
- dearth of ideas,
- deathly hue,
- deathly pallor,
- debilitation,
- debility,
- denseness,
- density,
- detachment,
- dim-wittedness,
- dimness,
- discomfort,
- discomposure,
- discontent,
- disinterest,
- dislike,
- dispassion,
- dispassionateness,
- displeasure,
- disquiet,
- dissatisfaction,
- doltishness,
- drabness,
- dread,
- drowsiness,
- dryness,
- dull-wittedness,
- dullardism,
- dumbness,
- duncery,
- easy temper,
- electronarcosis,
- emotional deadness,
- emotionlessness,
- emptiness,
- enervation,
- ennui,
- etiolation,
- even temper,
- existential woe,
- exsanguination,
- fadedness,
- faintness,
- fairishness,
- fairness,
- fatigue,
- feebleness,
- flabbiness,
- flaccidity,
- flatness,
- frigidity,
- frostiness,
- ghastliness,
- glaucescence,
- glaucousness,
- good temper,
- gray,
- grayishness,
- grayness,
- grimness,
- grossness,
- haggardness,
- heartlessness,
- heaviness,
- hebetude,
- hopelessness,
- huelessness,
- humdrumminess,
- humdrumness,
- hypochromia,
- hypochromic anemia,
- iciness,
- immovability,
- impassibility,
- impassiveness,
- impassivity,
- imperception,
- imperceptiveness,
- imperceptivity,
- impercipience,
- imperturbability,
- imperturbableness,
- impotence,
- inanimation,
- inappetence,
- inconsiderateness,
- indifference,
- inexcitability,
- inexcitableness,
- infecundity,
- infertility,
- inirritability,
- inquietude,
- insensibility,
- insensibleness,
- insensitiveness,
- insensitivity,
- insentience,
- insipidness,
- insouciance,
- irksomeness,
- jadedness,
- joylessness,
- lack of affect,
- lack of appetite,
- lack of bite,
- lack of feeling,
- lack of pleasure,
- lack of touch,
- lackadaisicalness,
- lackluster,
- languidness,
- languishment,
- languor,
- languorousness,
- lassitude,
- leadenness,
- lenitude,
- lentor,
- lethargicalness,
- lethargy,
- lifelessness,
- lightness,
- listlessness,
- lividity,
- lividness,
- long-windedness,
- loutishness,
- lumpishness,
- malaise,
- matter-of-factness,
- mediocreness,
- mediocrity,
- middlingness,
- moderateness,
- modestness,
- modesty,
- monotonousness,
- mousiness,
- muddiness,
- muffled tone,
- mutedness,
- narcosis,
- narcotization,
- nausea,
- neutral tint,
- ninnyism,
- nonchalance,
- nongratification,
- nonsatisfaction,
- numbness,
- oafdom,
- oafishness,
- objectivity,
- obtundity,
- obtuseness,
- opacity,
- oscitancy,
- painfulness,
- paleness,
- pallidity,
- pallidness,
- pallor,
- passableness,
- passionlessness,
- passiveness,
- passivity,
- pastiness,
- patience,
- phlegm,
- phlegmaticalness,
- phlegmaticness,
- pins and needles,
- plainness,
- plucklessness,
- poker face,
- prison pallor,
- prolixity,
- prosaicism,
- prosaicness,
- prosaism,
- prosiness,
- prostration,
- resignation,
- resignedness,
- respectability,
- sallowness,
- satedness,
- savorlessness,
- self-absorption,
- sickliness,
- sickly hue,
- silveriness,
- simpletonianism,
- slatiness,
- sleep,
- sleepiness,
- sloth,
- slothfulness,
- slowness,
- sluggishness,
- slumber,
- smokiness,
- smooth temper,
- soberness,
- softness,
- somberness,
- somnolence,
- sopor,
- soporifousness,
- sottishness,
- soullessness,
- spiritlessness,
- spleen,
- spunklessness,
- staidness,
- staleness,
- steadiness,
- stoicism,
- stolidity,
- straight face,
- strengthlessness,
- stuffiness,
- stupefaction,
- stupidity,
- stupor,
- supineness,
- tastelessness,
- tediousness,
- tedium,
- thick skin,
- thick-headedness,
- thick-wittedness,
- tiresomeness,
- tolerableness,
- tonelessness,
- toothlessness,
- torpidity,
- torpidness,
- torpitude,
- torpor,
- uncomfortableness,
- unconcern,
- uncreativeness,
- unease,
- uneasiness,
- unembellishedness,
- unemotionalism,
- unexcitability,
- unfancifulness,
- unfeeling,
- unfeelingness,
- unhappiness,
- unidealism,
- unimaginativeness,
- unimpressibility,
- unimpressionableness,
- unirritableness,
- unnervousness,
- unoriginality,
- unpassionateness,
- unperceptiveness,
- unpleasure,
- unpoeticalness,
- unresponsiveness,
- unromanticism,
- unsatisfaction,
- unsharpness,
- unsusceptibility,
- unsympatheticness,
- unteachability,
- untouchability,
- vapidity,
- veiled voice,
- vexation of spirit,
- voce velata,
- wanness,
- weakliness,
- weakness,
- wearifulness,
- weariness,
- wearisomeness,
- withdrawal,
- withdrawnness,
- world-weariness,
- wrongheadedness,
- yokelism