- anaudia,
- aphasia,
- aphonia,
- asininity,
- blockishness,
- boobishness,
- boorishness,
- bovinity,
- brevity,
- briefness,
- brusqueness,
- cloddishness,
- conciseness,
- crassness,
- crudeness,
- curtness,
- deaf-muteness,
- denseness,
- density,
- dim-wittedness,
- dimness,
- doltishness,
- dull-wittedness,
- dullardism,
- dullness,
- duncery,
- economy of words,
- grossness,
- hebetude,
- inarticulateness,
- laconicalness,
- laconism,
- lethargy,
- loutishness,
- lumpishness,
- muteness,
- mutism,
- ninnyism,
- oafdom,
- oafishness,
- obmutescence,
- obtuseness,
- opacity,
- pauciloquy,
- quietness,
- quietude,
- shortness,
- silence,
- simpletonianism,
- slowness,
- sluggishness,
- sottishness,
- sparingness of words,
- speechlessness,
- stolidity,
- stupidity,
- taciturnity,
- terseness,
- thick-headedness,
- thick-wittedness,
- tonguelessness,
- unloquaciousness,
- untalkativeness,
- unteachability,
- voicelessness,
- wordlessness,
- wrongheadedness,
- yokelism