Exact Match:
- field day
- a day devoted to an outdoor social gathering
- a time of unusual pleasure and success
- a day for outdoor athletic competition
- (military) a day for military exercises and display
- Highland games,
- Mardi Gras,
- Olympiad,
- Olympic games,
- Saturnalia,
- banquet,
- blowout,
- carnival,
- carousel,
- do,
- fair,
- feast,
- festival,
- festive occasion,
- festivity,
- fete,
- fiesta,
- gala,
- gala affair,
- gala day,
- games,
- great doings,
- gymkhana,
- high jinks,
- jamboree,
- kermis,
- meet,
- party,
- picnic,
- rally,
- regatta,
- the Olympics,
- tournament,
- tourney,
- track meet,
- waygoose,
- wayzgoose