Exact Match:
- flippancy
- inappropriate levity; "her mood changed and she was all lightness and joy"
- absentmindedness,
- banter,
- booing,
- brashness,
- brassiness,
- brazenfacedness,
- brazenness,
- carelessness,
- catcalling,
- chaffing,
- cheek,
- cheekiness,
- cockiness,
- contempt,
- derision,
- discourtesy,
- disregard,
- disregardfulness,
- disrespect,
- disrespectfulness,
- distraction,
- face of brass,
- facetiousness,
- fleering,
- flightiness,
- fooling,
- freshness,
- frivolity,
- frivolousness,
- giddiness,
- grinning,
- heedlessness,
- hissing,
- hooting,
- impertinence,
- impishness,
- impudence,
- inadvertence,
- inadvertency,
- inattention,
- inattentiveness,
- inconsideration,
- incuriosity,
- indifference,
- inobservance,
- insolence,
- irreverence,
- jeering,
- jocularity,
- joshing,
- leering,
- levity,
- lightmindedness,
- lip,
- merriment,
- mischievousness,
- mockery,
- mouth,
- negligence,
- nonobservance,
- obliviousness,
- offhandedness,
- panning,
- pertness,
- playfulness,
- prankishness,
- pranksomeness,
- ragging,
- raillery,
- rallying,
- razzing,
- regardlessness,
- ridicule,
- roasting,
- roguishness,
- rudeness,
- sauciness,
- scoffing,
- shallowness,
- side,
- smart-aleckiness,
- smartness,
- smirking,
- sneering,
- snickering,
- sniggering,
- snorting,
- sportiveness,
- superficiality,
- taunting,
- thoughtlessness,
- trickery,
- trickiness,
- twitting,
- unalertness,
- unawareness,
- unconsciousness,
- unheedfulness,
- unintentiveness,
- unmindfulness,
- unobservance,
- unwariness,
- unwatchfulness,
- volatility,
- waggery,
- waggishness