Exact Match:
- frigid
- devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness or disdain; "a frigid greeting"; "got a frosty reception"; "a frozen look on their faces"; "a glacial handshake"; "icy stare"; "wintry smile"
- Olympian,
- Siberian,
- affectless,
- algid,
- aloof,
- anesthetized,
- arctic,
- asexual,
- austere,
- autistic,
- backward,
- bashful,
- below zero,
- biting,
- bitter,
- bitterly cold,
- blank,
- bleak,
- blunt,
- boreal,
- brisk,
- brumal,
- callous,
- castrated,
- catatonic,
- chill,
- chilled,
- chilly,
- cold,
- cold as charity,
- cold as death,
- cold as ice,
- cold as marble,
- cold-blooded,
- coldhearted,
- constrained,
- cool,
- crisp,
- cutting,
- detached,
- discreet,
- dispassionate,
- distant,
- drugged,
- dull,
- emasculated,
- emotionally dead,
- emotionless,
- eunuchized,
- exclusive,
- expressionless,
- forbidding,
- freezing,
- freezing cold,
- frosted,
- frosty,
- frozen,
- frustrated,
- gelid,
- glacial,
- guarded,
- haughty,
- heartless,
- hibernal,
- hiemal,
- hyperboreal,
- hyperborean,
- ice-cold,
- ice-encrusted,
- icelike,
- icy,
- immovable,
- impassible,
- impassive,
- impersonal,
- impervious,
- impotent,
- inaccessible,
- inclement,
- indifferent,
- inexcitable,
- inhibited,
- insusceptible,
- introverted,
- keen,
- modest,
- neuter,
- neutral,
- nipping,
- nippy,
- nonemotional,
- numbing,
- obdurate,
- objective,
- obtuse,
- offish,
- out of touch,
- passionless,
- passive,
- penetrating,
- piercing,
- pinching,
- polar,
- prim,
- raw,
- remote,
- removed,
- repressed,
- reserved,
- restrained,
- reticent,
- retiring,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- seclusive,
- self-absorbed,
- severe,
- sexless,
- sharp,
- shrinking,
- sleety,
- slushy,
- snappy,
- soulless,
- spiritless,
- standoff,
- standoffish,
- steely,
- stiff,
- stone-cold,
- stony,
- strait-laced,
- subdued,
- subzero,
- supercooled,
- suppressed,
- thick-skinned,
- unaffable,
- unaffectionate,
- unapproachable,
- uncongenial,
- undemonstrative,
- undersexed,
- unemotional,
- unexpansive,
- unfeeling,
- unfriendly,
- ungenial,
- unimpassioned,
- unimpressionable,
- unloving,
- unpassionate,
- unresponding,
- unresponsive,
- unsexed,
- unsexual,
- unsusceptible,
- unsympathetic,
- untouchable,
- winterbound,
- winterlike,
- wintery,
- wintry,
- withdrawn