Exact Match:
- fume
- be mad, angry, or furious
- emit a cloud of fine particles; "The chimney was fuming"
- achromatize,
- ado,
- aerate,
- aerify,
- afterdamp,
- agitation,
- anhydrate,
- aroma,
- ash,
- ashes,
- atomize,
- be livid,
- be pissed,
- blackdamp,
- blanch,
- blast-freeze,
- bleach,
- blow,
- blow a gasket,
- blow up,
- bluster,
- bobbery,
- boil,
- boil over,
- boiling,
- brand,
- brawl,
- breath,
- breathe out,
- brine,
- bristle,
- broil,
- brouhaha,
- browned off,
- burn,
- bustle,
- cacophony,
- calx,
- carbon,
- carbonate,
- carry on,
- chafe,
- chaos,
- charcoal,
- chlorinate,
- chokedamp,
- churn,
- cinder,
- clinker,
- cloud,
- coal,
- coke,
- commotion,
- conturbation,
- cure,
- damp,
- decolor,
- decolorize,
- definite odor,
- dehydrate,
- desiccate,
- detectable odor,
- dim,
- discolor,
- discomposure,
- disorder,
- disquiet,
- disquietude,
- distill,
- disturbance,
- drain,
- drain of color,
- dross,
- dry,
- dry-cure,
- dry-salt,
- dudgeon,
- dull,
- ebullience,
- ebullition,
- eddy,
- effervescence,
- effluvium,
- emanation,
- embalm,
- embroilment,
- emit,
- essence,
- etherify,
- etherize,
- etiolate,
- evacuate,
- evaporate,
- excitement,
- exhalation,
- exhale,
- exhaust,
- expire,
- explode,
- fade,
- fanaticism,
- feery-fary,
- ferment,
- fermentation,
- fetid air,
- fever,
- feverishness,
- fidgets,
- firedamp,
- flap,
- flare up,
- flatus,
- flavor,
- flip out,
- fluid,
- fluidize,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flutteration,
- foam,
- foment,
- fomentation,
- foofaraw,
- fractionate,
- fragrance,
- freeze,
- freeze-dry,
- frenzy,
- fret,
- fumes,
- fumigate,
- furor,
- furore,
- fury,
- fuss,
- gas,
- gasify,
- give off,
- give out,
- give vent to,
- go on,
- have a conniption,
- high dudgeon,
- hubbub,
- huff,
- hurly-burly,
- hurry,
- hurry-scurry,
- hydrogenate,
- inquietude,
- irradiate,
- jerk,
- jitters,
- jumpiness,
- kipper,
- lava,
- let out,
- maelstrom,
- malaise,
- malaria,
- marinade,
- marinate,
- mephitis,
- miasma,
- miff,
- moil,
- mummify,
- nerviness,
- nervosity,
- nervousness,
- odor,
- open the floodgates,
- open the sluices,
- oxygenate,
- pale,
- pandemonium,
- passion,
- pell-mell,
- perfume,
- peroxide,
- perturbation,
- pet,
- pickle,
- pique,
- pissed off,
- pollution,
- preservatize,
- puff,
- puff of smoke,
- quick-freeze,
- racket,
- rage,
- raise Cain,
- raise hell,
- raise the devil,
- raise the roof,
- rant,
- rant and rave,
- rave,
- redolence,
- reek,
- refrigerate,
- restlessness,
- roil,
- rout,
- row,
- ruckus,
- ruffle,
- rumpus,
- salt,
- savor,
- scent,
- scoria,
- season,
- seethe,
- seething,
- send out,
- simmer,
- sizzle,
- slag,
- smell,
- smog,
- smoke,
- smoke-cure,
- smolder,
- smoulder,
- smudge,
- smut,
- soot,
- spoor,
- spray,
- steam,
- stench,
- stew,
- stink,
- stir,
- storm,
- storminess,
- stuff,
- sublimate,
- sublime,
- subtle odor,
- sullage,
- sweat,
- swirl,
- swirling,
- swivet,
- take on,
- tarnish,
- tempestuousness,
- throw a fit,
- throw off,
- tiff,
- tizzy,
- to-do,
- tone down,
- trace,
- trail,
- trepidation,
- trepidity,
- tumult,
- tumultuation,
- tumultuousness,
- turbidity,
- turbulence,
- turmoil,
- twitter,
- unease,
- unrest,
- uproar,
- upset,
- vapor,
- vaporize,
- volatile,
- volatilize,
- vortex,
- wash out,
- water vapor,
- whiff,
- whirl,
- whiten,
- wildness,
- yeastiness,
- zeal,
- zealousness