Exact Match:
- gag
- restraint put into a person's mouth to prevent speaking or shouting
- make an unsuccessful effort to vomit; strain to vomit
- cause to retch or choke
- struggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake; "he swallowed a fishbone and gagged"
- make jokes or quips; "The students were gagging during dinner"
- tie a gag around someone's mouth in order to silence them; "The burglars gagged the home owner and tied him to a chair"
- prevent from speaking out; "The press was gagged"
- Oregon boat,
- acoustic tile,
- acting,
- antiknock,
- asphyxiate,
- baffler,
- balk,
- barf,
- be nauseated,
- be seasick,
- be sick,
- belly laugh,
- bilbo,
- blue story,
- boggle,
- bond,
- bonds,
- bottle up,
- bridle,
- bring up,
- buffoonery,
- business,
- camisole,
- censor,
- chains,
- characterization,
- check,
- choke,
- choke off,
- choke on,
- chuck up,
- clamp down on,
- collar,
- cork,
- cork up,
- crack,
- crack down on,
- crush,
- cuffs,
- curb,
- cushion,
- damp,
- damp down,
- dampener,
- damper,
- deflate,
- dirty joke,
- dirty story,
- disarm,
- discourage,
- disgorge,
- double entendre,
- drollery,
- drown,
- dumbfound,
- egest,
- enchain,
- ethnic joke,
- extinguish,
- fast one,
- feed the fish,
- feel disgust,
- fetter,
- fun,
- funny story,
- gibe,
- good one,
- good story,
- gyves,
- halter,
- ham,
- hammy acting,
- hamper,
- hamstring,
- handcuff,
- handcuffs,
- heave,
- heave the gorge,
- hoax,
- hobble,
- hobbles,
- hog-tie,
- hoke,
- hokum,
- hold down,
- hopples,
- howler,
- hush,
- hush-hush,
- hushcloth,
- impersonation,
- inhibit,
- irons,
- jape,
- jest,
- jestbook,
- jib,
- joke,
- jump on,
- keck,
- keep down,
- keep under,
- kill,
- knock out,
- laugh,
- leading strings,
- leash,
- manacle,
- mimesis,
- mimicking,
- mimicry,
- miming,
- muffle,
- muffler,
- mummery,
- mute,
- muzzle,
- overacting,
- panic,
- pantomiming,
- paralyze,
- patter,
- performance,
- performing,
- personation,
- pillory,
- play,
- playacting,
- playing,
- point,
- portrayal,
- pour water on,
- practical joke,
- prank,
- projection,
- prostrate,
- puke,
- pun,
- put down,
- put to silence,
- quash,
- quell,
- quench,
- quiet,
- quieten,
- quietener,
- quip,
- regurgitate,
- reins,
- reject,
- representation,
- repress,
- restrain,
- restraint,
- restraints,
- retch,
- rib tickler,
- riot,
- ruse,
- sally,
- scream,
- scruple,
- shackle,
- shush,
- shut down on,
- shy,
- sick joke,
- sick up,
- sicken at,
- sidesplitter,
- sight gag,
- silence,
- silence cloth,
- silencer,
- sit down on,
- sit on,
- slapstick,
- smash,
- smother,
- soft pedal,
- soft-pedal,
- sordine,
- sordino,
- sound-absorbing material,
- soundproofing,
- soundproofing insulation,
- sourdine,
- spew,
- sport,
- squash,
- squelch,
- stage business,
- stage directions,
- stage presence,
- stanch,
- stick,
- stickle,
- stifle,
- still,
- stocks,
- stop up,
- story,
- straightjacket,
- strain,
- strait-waistcoat,
- straitjacket,
- strangle,
- stranglehold,
- strike dumb,
- stultify,
- stumble,
- stunt,
- subdue,
- suffocate,
- suppress,
- taking a role,
- tether,
- throttle,
- throw up,
- trammel,
- trammels,
- trick,
- truss up,
- upchuck,
- visual joke,
- vomit,
- wheeze,
- wile,
- wisecrack,
- witticism,
- wow,
- yak,
- yarn,
- yoke