Exact Match:
- good enough
- adequately good for the circumstances; "if it's good enough for you it's good enough for me"
- OK,
- Roger,
- absolutely,
- acceptable,
- adequate,
- admissible,
- agreeable,
- all right,
- alright,
- alrighty,
- amen,
- ample,
- as you say,
- assuredly,
- aye,
- barely sufficient,
- better than nothing,
- by all means,
- certainly,
- commensurate,
- competent,
- corresponding,
- da,
- decent,
- due,
- enough,
- equal to,
- exactly,
- fair,
- fairish,
- fine,
- fit,
- good,
- goodish,
- hear,
- indeed,
- indeedy,
- ja,
- just so,
- mais oui,
- minimal,
- minimum,
- moderate,
- most assuredly,
- naturally,
- naturellement,
- not amiss,
- not bad,
- not half bad,
- not so bad,
- of course,
- okay,
- oui,
- passable,
- plenty,
- plenty good enough,
- positively,
- precisely,
- presentable,
- pretty good,
- proportionate,
- quite,
- rather,
- really,
- respectable,
- right,
- righto,
- satisfactory,
- substantial,
- sufficient,
- sufficient for,
- sufficing,
- suitable,
- sure,
- sure thing,
- surely,
- tenable,
- tidy,
- to be sure,
- tolerable,
- truly,
- unexceptionable,
- unobjectionable,
- up to,
- very well,
- viable,
- well and good,
- why yes,
- workmanlike,
- yea,
- yeah,
- yep,
- yes,
- yes indeed,
- yes indeedy,
- yes sir,
- yes sirree