Exact Match:
- grubby
- small sculpin of the coast of New England
- infested with grubs
- beat-up,
- bedraggled,
- beset,
- black,
- blowzy,
- careless,
- chintzy,
- dilapidated,
- dingy,
- dirty,
- drabbletailed,
- draggled,
- draggletailed,
- dusty,
- filthy,
- foul,
- frowzy,
- frumpish,
- frumpy,
- grimy,
- grungy,
- impure,
- in rags,
- infested,
- informal,
- loose,
- lousy,
- lumpen,
- messy,
- miry,
- muddy,
- mussy,
- nasty,
- negligent,
- pedicular,
- pediculous,
- plagued,
- poky,
- ragged,
- raggedy,
- ratty,
- ravaged,
- ruinous,
- scraggly,
- scruffy,
- seedy,
- shabby,
- shoddy,
- slack,
- slatternly,
- slipshod,
- sloppy,
- slovenly,
- sluttish,
- smirchy,
- smoky,
- smudgy,
- smutchy,
- smutty,
- snuffy,
- soily,
- sooty,
- sordid,
- squalid,
- tacky,
- tattered,
- teeming,
- unclean,
- uncleanly,
- unkempt,
- unneat,
- unsightly,
- untidy,
- wormy