Exact Match:
- independent
- not dependent on or conditioned by or relative to anything else
- not contingent
- free from external control and constraint; "an independent mind"; "a series of independent judgments"; "fiercely independent individualism"; "an independent republic"
- (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence; "the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb"
- not controlled by a party or interest group
- Laodicean,
- abounding in riches,
- affluent,
- alien,
- anythingarian,
- apart,
- apart from,
- apathetic,
- arbitrary,
- aside from,
- autarchic,
- autarkic,
- autonomous,
- barring,
- besides,
- beyond,
- big-rich,
- bold,
- centrist,
- comfortable,
- competent,
- controlled,
- detached,
- disconnected,
- discrete,
- discretional,
- discretionary,
- disgustingly rich,
- disinterested,
- disjunct,
- disrelated,
- dissociated,
- distinct,
- elective,
- erect,
- even,
- except for,
- excluding,
- exclusive of,
- exotic,
- external,
- extraneous,
- fat,
- fence-sitter,
- fifty-fifty,
- firm-minded,
- flush,
- foreign,
- forward,
- free,
- free lance,
- free spirit,
- free trader,
- free will,
- free-spirited,
- freethinker,
- freewheeling,
- frightfully rich,
- gratuitous,
- half-and-half,
- house-proud,
- ignoring,
- impartial,
- importunate,
- in funds,
- in the money,
- incommensurable,
- incomparable,
- independently rich,
- independently wealthy,
- indifferent,
- individual,
- individualist,
- individualistic,
- inner-directed,
- insular,
- irrelative,
- irrespective of,
- isolated,
- isolationist,
- latitudinarian,
- liberal,
- libertarian,
- libertine,
- loaded,
- loner,
- luxurious,
- made of money,
- maverick,
- midway,
- moderate,
- moneyed,
- mugwump,
- mugwumpian,
- mugwumpish,
- neuter,
- neutral,
- nonaligned,
- noncommitted,
- nonconformist,
- nonmandatory,
- nonpartisan,
- nothingarian,
- notwithstanding,
- offered,
- on the fence,
- oofy,
- optional,
- opulent,
- other,
- outlandish,
- outside,
- passive,
- prideful,
- proffered,
- prosperous,
- proud,
- proud as Lucifer,
- proud-blooded,
- proud-looking,
- proud-minded,
- proud-spirited,
- proudful,
- proudhearted,
- provided for,
- purse-proud,
- pushy,
- removed,
- rich,
- rich as Croesus,
- rolling in money,
- rugged individualist,
- segregate,
- self-acting,
- self-active,
- self-asserting,
- self-assertive,
- self-assured,
- self-centered,
- self-confident,
- self-contained,
- self-controlled,
- self-dependent,
- self-determined,
- self-determining,
- self-directing,
- self-esteeming,
- self-expressive,
- self-governed,
- self-governing,
- self-helpful,
- self-helping,
- self-improving,
- self-possessed,
- self-reliant,
- self-respecting,
- self-restrained,
- self-subsistent,
- self-sufficient,
- self-supporting,
- self-sustained,
- self-sustaining,
- separate,
- separated,
- sovereign,
- spontaneous,
- stiff-necked,
- strange,
- strong-minded,
- strong-willed,
- swing vote,
- third force,
- third world,
- third-force,
- third-world,
- unaffiliated,
- unallied,
- unasked,
- unassociated,
- unbesought,
- unbiased,
- unbidden,
- uncalled-for,
- uncoerced,
- uncommitted,
- uncommitted voter,
- uncompelled,
- unconnected,
- uncontrolled,
- undecided,
- unearned,
- unfettered,
- unforced,
- uninfluenced,
- uninvited,
- uninvolved,
- unlimited,
- unprejudiced,
- unpressured,
- unprompted,
- unrelatable,
- unrelated,
- unrequested,
- unrequired,
- unrestrained,
- unrestricted,
- unsolicited,
- unsought,
- voluntary,
- volunteer,
- wallowing in wealth,
- warm,
- wealthy,
- well provided for,
- well-fixed,
- well-heeled,
- well-off,
- well-to-do,
- willful