- abrade,
- aggravate,
- ail,
- annoy,
- badger,
- bait,
- be at,
- be infinitely repetitive,
- be tedious,
- be the matter,
- bedevil,
- beset,
- bother,
- bristle,
- brown off,
- bug,
- bullyrag,
- burn up,
- chivy,
- complicate matters,
- concern,
- devil,
- discommode,
- discompose,
- distemper,
- distress,
- disturb,
- dog,
- drag on,
- exasperate,
- exercise,
- fash,
- fatigue,
- fret,
- gall,
- get,
- glut,
- go on forever,
- gripe,
- harass,
- harry,
- heckle,
- hector,
- hound,
- incommode,
- inconvenience,
- jade,
- miff,
- molest,
- nag,
- needle,
- nettle,
- nudzh,
- pain,
- pall,
- peeve,
- perplex,
- persecute,
- perturb,
- pester,
- pick on,
- pique,
- plague,
- pluck the beard,
- pother,
- provoke,
- put out,
- put to it,
- puzzle,
- ride,
- rile,
- roil,
- ruffle,
- satiate,
- strain,
- stress,
- tease,
- tire,
- tire to death,
- torment,
- trouble,
- try,
- try the patience,
- tweak the nose,
- vex,
- wear,
- wear on,
- weary,
- worry