Exact Match:
- jactitation
- (pathology) extremely restless tossing and twitching usually by a person with a severe illness
- (law) a false boast that can harm others; especially a false claim to be married to someone (formerly actionable at law)
- ague,
- bluster,
- boast,
- boastfulness,
- boasting,
- bombast,
- brag,
- braggadocio,
- braggartism,
- bragging,
- bravado,
- bumpiness,
- chattering,
- chorea,
- cold shivers,
- conceit,
- fanfaronade,
- fits and starts,
- gasconade,
- gasconism,
- heroics,
- jactation,
- jerkiness,
- joltiness,
- palsy,
- quaking,
- quavering,
- quivering,
- rodomontade,
- shakes,
- shaking,
- shivering,
- shivers,
- shuddering,
- side,
- spasms,
- succussion,
- swagger,
- trembling,
- tremulousness,
- vanity,
- vaunt,
- vauntery,
- vaunting,
- vibration