Exact Match:
- joyless
- not experiencing or inspiring joy; "a joyless man"; "a joyless occasion"; "joyless evenings"
- affecting,
- afflictive,
- anguished,
- anxious,
- austere,
- bitter,
- black,
- bleak,
- bored,
- cheerless,
- comfortless,
- crestfallen,
- dejected,
- deplorable,
- depressant,
- depressed,
- depressing,
- depressive,
- desolate,
- despondent,
- discomforting,
- disconsolate,
- discontented,
- disgusted,
- disheartened,
- disheartening,
- dismal,
- dismaying,
- dispirited,
- dispiriting,
- distressful,
- distressing,
- doleful,
- dolorific,
- dolorogenic,
- dolorous,
- down,
- downcast,
- downhearted,
- dreary,
- gloomy,
- grief-stricken,
- grievous,
- grim,
- heartsick,
- humorless,
- in bad humor,
- inconsolable,
- infestive,
- inhospitable,
- lamentable,
- lugubrious,
- melancholic,
- melancholy,
- mirthless,
- miserable,
- morose,
- mournful,
- moving,
- nauseated,
- nauseous,
- oppressive,
- out of humor,
- out of sorts,
- painful,
- pathetic,
- piteous,
- pitiable,
- pleasureless,
- poignant,
- prey to malaise,
- regrettable,
- repelled,
- revolted,
- rueful,
- sad,
- saddened,
- saddening,
- severe,
- sharp,
- sickened,
- somber,
- sore,
- sorrowful,
- sorry,
- sorryish,
- suffering angst,
- touching,
- triste,
- uncheerful,
- uncheery,
- uncomfortable,
- uneasy,
- unfulfilled,
- ungratified,
- unhappy,
- unjoyful,
- unmirthful,
- unquiet,
- unsatisfied,
- unsmiling,
- woebegone,
- woeful,
- wretched