Exact Match:
- malnutrition
- a state of poor nutrition; can result from insufficient or excessive or unbalanced diet or from inability to absorb foods
- Lombardy leprosy,
- anemia,
- ariboflavinosis,
- beriberi,
- cachexia,
- chlorosis,
- deficiency anemia,
- dermatitis,
- dietary deficiency,
- goiter,
- greensickness,
- keratomalacia,
- kwashiorkor,
- maidism,
- night blindness,
- osteomalacia,
- osteoporosis,
- pellagra,
- pernicious anemia,
- protein deficiency,
- rachitis,
- rickets,
- scurvy,
- struma,
- vitamin deficiency,
- xerophthalmia