Exact Match:
- mime
- a performance using gestures and body movements without words
- an actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression
- act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only; "The acting students mimed eating an apple"
- Roscius,
- Thalia,
- act,
- act a part,
- act as,
- act as foil,
- act out,
- actor,
- actress,
- antagonist,
- ape,
- appear,
- arlequinade,
- bad guy,
- barnstorm,
- barnstormer,
- beckon,
- black comedy,
- broad comedy,
- burlesque,
- burletta,
- camp,
- character,
- character actor,
- character man,
- character woman,
- child actor,
- come out,
- comedie bouffe,
- comedie larmoyante,
- comedie rosse,
- comedietta,
- comedy,
- comedy ballet,
- comedy of humors,
- comedy of ideas,
- comedy of intrigue,
- comedy of manners,
- comedy of situation,
- comedy relief,
- comic muse,
- comic opera,
- comic relief,
- conformist,
- copier,
- copy,
- copycat,
- copyist,
- counterfeiter,
- cuckoo,
- dark comedy,
- diseur,
- diseuse,
- dissembler,
- dissimulator,
- do,
- domestic comedy,
- dramatizer,
- echo,
- echoer,
- echoist,
- emote,
- emotionalize,
- enact,
- exode,
- faker,
- farce,
- farce comedy,
- feeder,
- foil,
- forger,
- genteel comedy,
- gesticulate,
- gesture,
- get top billing,
- harlequinade,
- heavy,
- high camp,
- histrio,
- histrion,
- hit off,
- hit off on,
- hypocrite,
- imitator,
- impersonate,
- impersonator,
- impostor,
- ingenue,
- juvenile,
- light comedy,
- low camp,
- low comedy,
- masquerade as,
- matinee idol,
- mimer,
- mimic,
- mimicker,
- mock,
- mocker,
- mockingbird,
- monkey,
- monologist,
- motion,
- motion to,
- mummer,
- musical,
- musical comedy,
- opera buffa,
- pantomime,
- pantomimist,
- parrot,
- pass for,
- patter,
- perform,
- personate,
- phony,
- plagiarist,
- play,
- play a part,
- play the lead,
- playact,
- playactor,
- player,
- poll-parrot,
- polly,
- polly-parrot,
- pose as,
- poseur,
- pretend to be,
- protean actor,
- raw comedy,
- realistic comedy,
- reciter,
- register,
- romantic comedy,
- satyr play,
- saw the air,
- sentimental comedy,
- sheep,
- shrug,
- shrug the shoulders,
- simulator,
- situation comedy,
- sketch,
- slapstick,
- slapstick comedy,
- soubrette,
- stage performer,
- stage player,
- star,
- steal the show,
- stooge,
- straight man,
- stroller,
- strolling player,
- take off,
- take off on,
- theatrical,
- thespian,
- tragicomedy,
- tread the boards,
- troupe,
- trouper,
- upstage,
- utility man,
- villain,
- wave the arms