Exact Match:
- mistake
- a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention; "he made a bad mistake"; "she was quick to point out my errors"; "I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults"
- an understanding of something that is not correct; "he wasn't going to admit his mistake"; "make no mistake about his intentions"; "there must be some misunderstanding--I don't have a sister"
- identify incorrectly; "Don't mistake her for her twin sister"
- bad job,
- bevue,
- bloomer,
- blooper,
- blunder,
- bobble,
- boggle,
- bonehead play,
- boner,
- boo-boo,
- boob,
- botch,
- bungle,
- clanger,
- clerical error,
- clumsy performance,
- contort,
- corrigendum,
- distort,
- erratum,
- error,
- etourderie,
- failure,
- false step,
- fault,
- faute,
- faux pas,
- flub,
- fluff,
- foozle,
- fumble,
- gaffe,
- garble,
- gaucherie,
- get one wrong,
- get wrong,
- gloss,
- goof,
- hash,
- howler,
- human error,
- indiscretion,
- make a miscue,
- make a mistake,
- mess,
- misapply,
- misapprehend,
- misapprehension,
- miscalculation,
- miscarriage,
- miscite,
- misconceive,
- misconception,
- misconstrue,
- miscount,
- miscue,
- misdeal,
- misdeem,
- misexplain,
- misexplicate,
- misexpound,
- misidentification,
- misidentify,
- misinterpret,
- misjudge,
- misjudgment,
- misplay,
- misprint,
- misquotation,
- misquote,
- misread,
- misrender,
- misreport,
- miss,
- misstatement,
- misstep,
- mistranslate,
- misunderstand,
- misunderstanding,
- misuse,
- muff,
- near-miss,
- off day,
- pervert,
- sad work,
- slip,
- slipup,
- squeeze,
- strain the sense,
- stumble,
- take for,
- torture,
- trip,
- twist the words,
- typo,
- typographical error,
- wrench