Exact Match:
- nervousness
- a sensitive or highly strung temperament
- an uneasy psychological state; "he suffered an attack of nerves"
- agitability,
- agitation,
- all-overs,
- allergy,
- anaphylaxis,
- angst,
- anxiety,
- anxiety hysteria,
- anxiety neurosis,
- anxious bench,
- anxious concern,
- anxious seat,
- anxiousness,
- apprehension,
- apprehensiveness,
- bite,
- bitingness,
- bluster,
- bobbery,
- boil,
- boiling,
- brouhaha,
- bustle,
- cankerworm of care,
- care,
- chills of fear,
- churn,
- cold creeps,
- cold shivers,
- cold sweat,
- combustibility,
- commotion,
- concern,
- concernment,
- considerateness,
- conturbation,
- creeps,
- cuttingness,
- delicacy,
- discomposure,
- disorder,
- disquiet,
- disquietude,
- distress,
- disturbance,
- dread,
- drive,
- ebullition,
- edginess,
- effectiveness,
- embroilment,
- emotional instability,
- emotionalism,
- empathy,
- eruptiveness,
- excitability,
- excitableness,
- excitement,
- explosiveness,
- exquisiteness,
- fear,
- fear and trembling,
- ferment,
- fermentation,
- fever,
- feverishness,
- fidgets,
- fineness,
- flap,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flutteration,
- foment,
- force,
- forcefulness,
- foreboding,
- forebodingness,
- fume,
- fuss,
- goose bumps,
- gooseflesh,
- guts,
- heartquake,
- horripilation,
- hubbub,
- hurly-burly,
- hyperesthesia,
- hyperpathia,
- hypersensitivity,
- identification,
- impressiveness,
- incisiveness,
- inflammability,
- inquietude,
- irascibility,
- irritability,
- jimjams,
- jitters,
- jumpiness,
- latent violence,
- maelstrom,
- malaise,
- misgiving,
- moil,
- mordancy,
- nerviness,
- nervosity,
- nervous strain,
- nervous tension,
- overanxiety,
- oversensibility,
- oversensitiveness,
- overtenderness,
- palpitation,
- passibility,
- perceptiveness,
- perceptivity,
- perturbability,
- perturbation,
- photophobia,
- pins and needles,
- poignancy,
- power,
- prickliness,
- pucker,
- punch,
- quaking,
- quiver of terror,
- responsiveness,
- restlessness,
- roil,
- rout,
- row,
- seethe,
- seething,
- sensitiveness,
- sensitivity,
- sensitization,
- shivers,
- sinew,
- sinewiness,
- skittishness,
- solicitude,
- soreness,
- startlishness,
- stew,
- stir,
- strain,
- strength,
- strong language,
- supersensitivity,
- suspense,
- sweat,
- swirl,
- sympathy,
- tact,
- tactfulness,
- tempestuousness,
- tenderness,
- tension,
- tetchiness,
- thin skin,
- thrill of fear,
- ticklishness,
- to-do,
- touchiness,
- trenchancy,
- trepidation,
- trepidity,
- trouble,
- tumult,
- tumultuation,
- turbidity,
- turbulence,
- turmoil,
- twitter,
- unease,
- uneasiness,
- unquietness,
- unrest,
- upset,
- vexation,
- vigor,
- vigorousness,
- violence,
- vitality,
- zeal