Exact Match:
- penitential
- showing or constituting penance; "penitential tears"; "wrote a penitential letter apologizing for her hasty words"
- of or relating to penitence or penance; "the Day of Atonement is the great penitential day of the Hebrew calendar"
- abject,
- amendatory,
- apologetic,
- ascetic,
- atoning,
- balancing,
- cleansing,
- compensating,
- compensational,
- compensatory,
- compunctious,
- contrite,
- counteracting,
- counteractive,
- counterbalancing,
- countervailing,
- expiatory,
- humble,
- humbled,
- indemnificatory,
- lustral,
- lustrational,
- lustrative,
- melted,
- offsetting,
- penitent,
- penitentiary,
- piacular,
- propitiatory,
- purgative,
- purgatorial,
- purifying,
- reclamatory,
- recompensing,
- recompensive,
- rectifying,
- redeeming,
- redemptive,
- redressing,
- regretful,
- reparative,
- reparatory,
- repentant,
- repenting,
- restitutional,
- restitutive,
- restitutory,
- retaliatory,
- righting,
- satisfactional,
- sheepish,
- softened,
- sorry,
- squaring,
- touched