Exact Match:
- phantom
- something apparently sensed but having no physical reality; "seemed to hear faint phantom bells"; "the amputee's illusion of a phantom limb"
- Barmecidal,
- Barmecide,
- Dracula,
- Frankenstein,
- Masan,
- Wolf-man,
- air,
- airy,
- airy nothing,
- apparent,
- apparition,
- apparitional,
- appearance,
- asomatous,
- astral,
- astral spirit,
- autistic,
- banshee,
- bodiless,
- bogey,
- bogeyman,
- brainchild,
- bubble,
- bugaboo,
- bugbear,
- chimaera,
- chimera,
- chimeric,
- control,
- decarnate,
- decarnated,
- deceptive,
- delirium,
- delusion,
- delusional,
- delusionary,
- delusive,
- delusory,
- departed spirit,
- dereistic,
- discarnate,
- disembodied,
- disembodied spirit,
- dreamlike,
- dreamy,
- duppy,
- dybbuk,
- ectoplasmic,
- eidolon,
- erroneous,
- ether,
- ethereal,
- etheric,
- extramundane,
- fallacious,
- false,
- false image,
- fancy,
- fantasque,
- fantastic,
- fantasy,
- fee-faw-fum,
- fiction,
- figment,
- figure,
- form,
- frightener,
- ghost,
- ghostish,
- ghostlike,
- ghostly,
- ghosty,
- ghoul,
- grateful dead,
- guide,
- hallucination,
- hant,
- haunt,
- hobgoblin,
- holy terror,
- horror,
- idle fancy,
- idolum,
- illusion,
- illusional,
- illusionary,
- illusive,
- illusory,
- image,
- imagery,
- imaginary,
- imagination,
- imagining,
- immaterial,
- immateriality,
- impalpable,
- imponderable,
- incorporate,
- incorporeal,
- incorporeal being,
- incorporeity,
- incubus,
- insubstantial,
- insubstantial image,
- intangible,
- invention,
- larva,
- lemures,
- maggot,
- make-believe,
- manes,
- materialization,
- mirage,
- misleading,
- mist,
- monster,
- myth,
- nightmare,
- nonmaterial,
- nonphysical,
- occult,
- ogre,
- ogress,
- oni,
- ostensible,
- otherworldly,
- phantasm,
- phantasma,
- phantasmagoria,
- phantasmagoric,
- phantasmal,
- phantasmic,
- phantomic,
- phantomlike,
- phasm,
- phenomenon,
- poltergeist,
- presence,
- psychic,
- revenant,
- romance,
- scarebabe,
- scarecrow,
- scarer,
- seeming,
- self-deceptive,
- self-deluding,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shadowy,
- shape,
- shrouded spirit,
- sick fancy,
- smoke,
- specious,
- specter,
- specterlike,
- spectral,
- spectral ghost,
- spectrum,
- spirit,
- spiritual,
- spook,
- sprite,
- succubus,
- supernatural,
- supposititious,
- terror,
- theophany,
- thick-coming fancies,
- thin air,
- transmundane,
- trip,
- unactual,
- unearthly,
- unembodied,
- unextended,
- unfleshly,
- unfounded,
- unphysical,
- unreal,
- unsubstantial,
- unsubstantiality,
- unworldly,
- vampire,
- vapor,
- vision,
- visionary,
- waking dream,
- walking dead man,
- wandering soul,
- werewolf,
- whim,
- whimsy,
- wildest dream,
- wildest dreams,
- wraith,
- wraithlike,
- wraithy,
- zombie