Exact Match:
- pompous
- characterized by pomp and ceremony and stately display
- Gongoresque,
- Johnsonian,
- Latinate,
- affected,
- arrogant,
- assured,
- aureate,
- awkward,
- bedizened,
- big-sounding,
- bloated,
- boastful,
- bombastic,
- braggart,
- ceremonial,
- ceremonious,
- cocksure,
- conceited,
- confident,
- conventional,
- convinced,
- convoluted,
- cramped,
- cumbrous,
- decided,
- declamatory,
- decorous,
- determined,
- egotistical,
- elephantine,
- elevated,
- embroidered,
- euphuistic,
- exhibitionist,
- flamboyant,
- flaming,
- flashy,
- flatulent,
- flaunting,
- flossy,
- flowery,
- forced,
- formal,
- fulsome,
- fustian,
- garish,
- gassy,
- gaudy,
- grandiloquent,
- grandiose,
- grandisonant,
- guinde,
- halting,
- haughty,
- heavy,
- hieratic,
- high-flowing,
- high-flown,
- high-flying,
- high-hat,
- high-sounding,
- highfalutin,
- hoity-toity,
- hubristic,
- imperious,
- important,
- inflated,
- inkhorn,
- labored,
- labyrinthine,
- leaden,
- lexiphanic,
- liturgic,
- lofty,
- lumbering,
- lurid,
- magisterial,
- magniloquent,
- meretricious,
- narcissistic,
- ornate,
- orotund,
- ostentatious,
- overbearing,
- overblown,
- overconfident,
- overdone,
- overelaborate,
- overinvolved,
- oversure,
- overweening,
- overwrought,
- pedantic,
- persuaded,
- poised,
- ponderous,
- pontifical,
- positive,
- presumptuous,
- pretentious,
- proud,
- puffy,
- reassured,
- rhetorical,
- ritual,
- ritualistic,
- sacerdotal,
- secure,
- self-assured,
- self-centered,
- self-conceited,
- self-confident,
- self-important,
- self-reliant,
- selfish,
- sensational,
- sensationalistic,
- sententious,
- sesquipedalian,
- showy,
- snobbish,
- snooty,
- snotty,
- solemn,
- sonorous,
- stately,
- stiff,
- stilted,
- stuck-up,
- stuffy,
- sure,
- swollen,
- tall,
- tortuous,
- tumid,
- turgid,
- unafraid,
- undoubting,
- unfaltering,
- unhesitating,
- unwavering,
- unwieldy,
- uppity,
- vain,
- vainglorious,
- well-mannered,
- windy