Exact Match:
- quietly
- with little or no sound; "the class was listening quietly and intently"; "she was crying quietly"
- with little or no activity or no agitation (`quiet' is a nonstandard variant for `quietly'); "her hands rested quietly in her lap"; "the rock star was quietly led out the back door"; "sit here as quiet as you can"
- aesthetically,
- artistically,
- becomingly,
- calmly,
- composedly,
- coolly,
- decently,
- decorously,
- demurely,
- dispassionately,
- elegantly,
- genteelly,
- gently,
- gracefully,
- humbly,
- impassively,
- imperturbably,
- in good taste,
- in silence,
- inaudibly,
- inexcitably,
- inirritably,
- levelheadedly,
- like a lamb,
- meekly,
- mildly,
- modestly,
- noiselessly,
- pacifically,
- peaceably,
- peacefully,
- placidly,
- properly,
- quiescently,
- sedately,
- seemly,
- serenely,
- silently,
- simply,
- smoothly,
- softly,
- soundlessly,
- steadily,
- still,
- stilly,
- stodgily,
- stoically,
- stolidly,
- stuffily,
- tamely,
- tastefully,
- tranquilly,
- unassumingly,
- unobtrusively,
- unostentatiously,
- unperturbedly,
- unpresumptuously,
- unpretendingly,
- unpretentiously,
- with taste,
- without ceremony