Exact Match:
- roughhewn
- of stone or timber; shaped roughly without finishing
- arrested,
- backward,
- broken,
- bumpy,
- choppy,
- coarse,
- coarse-grained,
- corrugated,
- cross-grained,
- crude,
- embryonic,
- grainy,
- granulated,
- homespun,
- horripilant,
- in embryo,
- in ovo,
- in the rough,
- inequal,
- irregular,
- jolty,
- linsey-woolsey,
- oversimple,
- pimply,
- pitted,
- pocky,
- potholed,
- rank,
- reductionistic,
- reductive,
- ripply,
- rough,
- rough-cast,
- rough-grained,
- rough-hewn,
- roughcast,
- rude,
- rudimental,
- rudimentary,
- ruffled,
- rutted,
- rutty,
- shagged,
- shaggy,
- simplistic,
- stunted,
- textured,
- unblown,
- uncultivated,
- uncultured,
- uncut,
- underdeveloped,
- undeveloped,
- undressed,
- uneven,
- unfashioned,
- unfinished,
- unformed,
- unhewn,
- unkempt,
- unlabored,
- unlevel,
- unlicked,
- unpolished,
- unprocessed,
- unrefined,
- unsmooth,
- untreated,
- ununiform,
- unworked,
- unwrought,
- wimpled