Exact Match:
- scramble
- an unceremonious and disorganized struggle
- make unintelligible; "scramble the message so that nobody can understand it"
- bring into random order
- to move hurriedly; "The friend scrambled after them"
- Aesopian language,
- Babel,
- Greek,
- action,
- admix,
- ado,
- aerial combat,
- affray,
- agitation,
- air cover,
- air raid,
- air support,
- all fours,
- all sorts,
- alloy,
- amalgamate,
- argot,
- armored combat,
- arsy-varsiness,
- assemblage,
- assortment,
- babble,
- ball up,
- battle,
- battle royal,
- bemingle,
- blend,
- bollix up,
- bolt,
- bombing,
- bother,
- botheration,
- box,
- brawl,
- broad spectrum,
- broil,
- brouhaha,
- brush,
- bullfight,
- bundle,
- burst,
- bustle,
- cant,
- career,
- chase,
- cipher,
- clamber,
- clash,
- clash of arms,
- climb,
- close,
- clutter,
- coalesce,
- cockfight,
- code,
- collide,
- combat,
- combine,
- come to blows,
- commingle,
- commix,
- commotion,
- competition,
- complicate,
- compose,
- compound,
- concoct,
- conflict,
- confound,
- confuse,
- conglomerate,
- conglomeration,
- contend,
- contention,
- contest,
- cover,
- crawl,
- crawling,
- creep,
- creeping,
- crowd,
- cryptogram,
- cut and thrust,
- dart,
- dash,
- dash off,
- dash on,
- disorder,
- disturbance,
- dogfight,
- donnybrook,
- donnybrook fair,
- double Dutch,
- double-time,
- drive,
- drive on,
- dry run,
- duel,
- dustup,
- embroilment,
- emulsify,
- exchange blows,
- exchange of blows,
- farrago,
- feery-fary,
- fence,
- ferment,
- festinate,
- feud,
- fidgetiness,
- fight,
- fight a duel,
- fire fight,
- fit,
- flap,
- fling,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flutter,
- flutteriness,
- foofaraw,
- forge ahead,
- foul up,
- fracas,
- fray,
- free-for-all,
- fumble,
- fuse,
- fuss,
- fussiness,
- gallimaufry,
- garble,
- get going,
- get moving,
- gibberish,
- gift of tongues,
- give and take,
- give satisfaction,
- glossolalia,
- go ahead,
- go all out,
- go on tiptoe,
- gobbledygook,
- grapple,
- grapple with,
- ground combat,
- grovel,
- gumshoe,
- gumshoeing,
- hand-to-hand combat,
- hand-to-hand fight,
- hash,
- hassle,
- haste,
- hasten,
- helter-skelter,
- hie,
- higgledy-piggledy,
- hodgepodge,
- homogenize,
- hotchpot,
- hotchpotch,
- house-to-house combat,
- hubbub,
- hullabaloo,
- hump,
- hump it,
- hurry,
- hurry on,
- hurry through,
- hurry up,
- hurry-scurry,
- hurtle,
- hustle,
- hysteron proteron,
- immingle,
- immix,
- inch,
- inch along,
- integrate,
- interblend,
- interlace,
- interlard,
- intermingle,
- intermix,
- intertwine,
- interweave,
- jargon,
- jostle,
- joust,
- jumble,
- jungle,
- knead,
- leap,
- litter,
- lose no time,
- maelstrom,
- magpie,
- make haste,
- make things hum,
- make unintelligible,
- mash,
- medley,
- melange,
- melee,
- merge,
- mess,
- milk run,
- mingle,
- mingle-mangle,
- miscellany,
- mishmash,
- mission,
- mix,
- mix it up,
- mix up,
- mixed bag,
- move quickly,
- muck up,
- muddle,
- mystify,
- naval combat,
- nightwalk,
- nightwalking,
- noise,
- obfuscate,
- obscure,
- odds and ends,
- olio,
- olla podrida,
- omnium-gatherum,
- pad,
- padding,
- pandemonium,
- passage of arms,
- pasticcio,
- pastiche,
- patchwork,
- pell-mell,
- pi,
- pitched battle,
- play hob with,
- plunge,
- post,
- pother,
- potpourri,
- press on,
- prowl,
- prowling,
- push,
- push on,
- pussyfoot,
- pussyfooting,
- quarrel,
- race,
- racket,
- ramble,
- rampage,
- rassle,
- reconnaissance,
- reconnaissance mission,
- restlessness,
- riffle,
- riot,
- rough-and-tumble,
- roughhouse,
- row,
- ruckus,
- ruction,
- rumble,
- rummage,
- rumpus,
- run,
- run a tilt,
- running fight,
- rush,
- rush through,
- salad,
- salmagundi,
- sauce,
- scamper,
- scoot,
- scour,
- scrabble,
- scramble up,
- screw up,
- scrimmage,
- scud,
- scuffle,
- scurry,
- scuttle,
- secret language,
- shadow,
- shindy,
- shoot,
- shoot ahead,
- shoving match,
- shuffle,
- shuttle raid,
- sidle,
- sidling,
- skedaddle,
- skirmish,
- slang,
- slink,
- slinking,
- snafu,
- snake,
- snaking,
- snarl up,
- sneak,
- sneaking,
- sortie,
- spar,
- spasm,
- sprangle,
- spread-eagle,
- spurt,
- stand-up fight,
- steal,
- steal along,
- stealing,
- step lively,
- step on it,
- stew,
- stir,
- stir up,
- straddle,
- strafing,
- straggle,
- street fight,
- strive,
- struggle,
- sweat,
- swirl,
- syncretize,
- tauromachy,
- tear,
- throw together,
- thrust and parry,
- tilt,
- tippytoe,
- tiptoe,
- tiptoeing,
- to-do,
- topsy-turviness,
- topsy-turvydom,
- toss together,
- tourney,
- training mission,
- trouble,
- tug-of-war,
- tumble,
- tumult,
- turmoil,
- tussle,
- umbrella,
- unholy mess,
- unquiet,
- uproar,
- vortex,
- wage war,
- war,
- welter,
- what you will,
- whirl,
- work,
- worm,
- worm along,
- worming,
- wrestle