- allegedly,
- apparently,
- artificially,
- as it seems,
- as it were,
- assumably,
- assumedly,
- assumptively,
- at first sight,
- conceivably,
- erroneously,
- evidently,
- factitiously,
- falsely,
- feasibly,
- in name only,
- in seeming,
- nominally,
- officially,
- on the surface,
- ostensibly,
- outwardly,
- plausibly,
- possibly,
- presumably,
- presumedly,
- presumptively,
- prima facie,
- professedly,
- purportedly,
- quasi,
- reputedly,
- speciously,
- spuriously,
- superficially,
- supposably,
- supposedly,
- suppositionally,
- supposititiously,
- synthetically,
- to all appearances,
- to all seeming,
- to the eye,
- truthlessly,
- ungenuinely,
- unnaturally,
- untruly,
- unveraciously