Exact Match:
- stupidity
- a stupid mistake
- a poor ability to understand or to profit from experience
- absurdity,
- absurdness,
- act of folly,
- asininity,
- battiness,
- blockishness,
- blunder,
- boobishness,
- boorishness,
- bootlessness,
- botch,
- bovinity,
- brainlessness,
- buffoonery,
- bungle,
- cloddishness,
- clownishness,
- crackpottedness,
- crankiness,
- crassness,
- craziness,
- cretinism,
- crudeness,
- daffiness,
- denseness,
- density,
- desipience,
- dim-wittedness,
- dimness,
- doltishness,
- dull-wittedness,
- dullardism,
- dullness,
- dumb trick,
- dumbness,
- duncery,
- eccentricity,
- empty-headedness,
- fatuity,
- fatuousness,
- faux pas,
- folly,
- foolery,
- foolhardiness,
- foolheadedness,
- foolishness,
- frivolity,
- frivolousness,
- gaffe,
- giddiness,
- goofiness,
- grossness,
- hebetude,
- idiocy,
- imbecility,
- imprudence,
- inanity,
- indiscretion,
- ineptitude,
- insanity,
- irrationality,
- irresponsibility,
- lethargy,
- loutishness,
- ludicrousness,
- lumpishness,
- lunacy,
- madness,
- mindlessness,
- niaiserie,
- ninnyism,
- nonsense,
- nugacity,
- nuttiness,
- oafdom,
- oafishness,
- obtuseness,
- opacity,
- queerness,
- ridiculousness,
- risibility,
- sappiness,
- screwiness,
- senselessness,
- silliness,
- simpletonianism,
- simplicity,
- slowness,
- sluggishness,
- solecism,
- sottise,
- sottishness,
- stolidity,
- stupid thing,
- thick-headedness,
- thick-wittedness,
- thoughtlessness,
- triflingness,
- triviality,
- unteachability,
- unwise step,
- wackiness,
- weak-mindedness,
- weirdness,
- witlessness,
- wrongheadedness,
- yokelism,
- zaniness,
- zanyism