Exact Match:
- subdued
- quieted and brought under control; "children were subdued and silent"
- Attic,
- Olympian,
- aesthetic,
- aloof,
- artistic,
- backward,
- barely audible,
- bashful,
- bated,
- blank,
- bowed-down,
- broken,
- brought low,
- calmed,
- cast down,
- chaste,
- chastened,
- chilled,
- chilly,
- choice,
- classic,
- cold,
- conquered,
- constrained,
- controlled,
- cool,
- creamy,
- crestfallen,
- crushed,
- damped,
- dampened,
- dashed,
- dead,
- deadened,
- decrescendo,
- dejected,
- delicate,
- depressed,
- despairing,
- despondent,
- desponding,
- detached,
- dim,
- discouraged,
- discreet,
- disheartened,
- dispirited,
- distant,
- domesticated,
- dovelike,
- down,
- downcast,
- downhearted,
- drooping,
- droopy,
- dull,
- dulled,
- eggshell,
- excellent,
- expressionless,
- faint,
- faint-voiced,
- feeble,
- feeling low,
- felled,
- flat,
- flattened,
- forbidding,
- frigid,
- frosty,
- gentle,
- gloss,
- grave,
- guarded,
- half-heard,
- heartless,
- housebroke,
- housebroken,
- humble,
- humbled,
- humiliated,
- hushed,
- hypochondriac,
- hypochondriacal,
- icy,
- impassive,
- impersonal,
- in control,
- in good taste,
- in hand,
- in low spirits,
- in the depths,
- in the doldrums,
- in the dumps,
- inaccessible,
- indistinct,
- introverted,
- iridescent,
- lamblike,
- languishing,
- light,
- limited,
- low,
- low-key,
- low-spirited,
- made to grovel,
- mastered,
- meek,
- mellow,
- mellowed,
- mild,
- moderated,
- modest,
- mother-of-pearl,
- muffled,
- murmured,
- muted,
- nacreous,
- of choice,
- of quality,
- offish,
- opalescent,
- pacific,
- pale,
- pastel,
- patinaed,
- peaceable,
- peaceful,
- pearly,
- pessimistic,
- pianissimo,
- piano,
- pining,
- placid,
- pleasing,
- pure,
- put down,
- quashed,
- quelled,
- quiet,
- reduced,
- remote,
- removed,
- repressed,
- reserved,
- restrained,
- reticent,
- retiring,
- sad,
- saddened,
- scarcely heard,
- semigloss,
- serious,
- shrinking,
- simple,
- smashed,
- smothered,
- sober,
- sobered,
- soft,
- soft-colored,
- soft-hued,
- soft-sounding,
- soft-voiced,
- softened,
- solemn,
- somber,
- sordo,
- spiritless,
- squashed,
- squelched,
- stable,
- standoff,
- standoffish,
- stifled,
- subaudible,
- subjugated,
- submissive,
- subtle,
- suffocated,
- suicidal,
- suppressed,
- sweet,
- tame,
- tamed,
- tasteful,
- tasty,
- temperate,
- tempered,
- tender,
- toned,
- tranquil,
- unaffable,
- unaffected,
- unapproachable,
- unclear,
- uncongenial,
- undemonstrative,
- understated,
- unenthusiastic,
- unexpansive,
- ungenial,
- unobtrusive,
- vanquished,
- weak,
- weak-voiced,
- weary of life,
- well-chosen,
- whispered,
- withdrawn,
- woebegone,
- world-weary