Exact Match:
- tacky
- (of a glutinous liquid such as paint) not completely dried and slightly sticky to the touch; "tacky varnish"
- Mickey Mouse,
- adherent,
- adhesive,
- amylaceous,
- base,
- beat-up,
- bedraggled,
- blowsy,
- blowzy,
- boggy,
- breakable,
- brittle,
- broken-down,
- brummagem,
- bulldogged,
- bulldoggish,
- bulldoggy,
- bullheaded,
- careless,
- cheap,
- cheap-jack,
- cheesy,
- chintzy,
- clabbered,
- clammy,
- clingy,
- clotted,
- coagulated,
- coarse,
- cobwebby,
- common,
- crude,
- crumbly,
- curdled,
- dainty,
- damp,
- dampish,
- dank,
- delicate,
- delicately weak,
- dewy,
- dilapidated,
- dingy,
- doughy,
- dowdy,
- down-at-heel,
- down-at-the-heels,
- drabbletailed,
- draggled,
- draggletailed,
- effeminate,
- faded,
- fenny,
- flimsy,
- fourth-class,
- fragile,
- frail,
- frangible,
- frayed,
- frazzled,
- frowzy,
- frumpish,
- frumpy,
- full of holes,
- gaudy,
- gaumy,
- gelatinous,
- gimcrack,
- gimcracky,
- glairy,
- gluelike,
- gluey,
- glutenous,
- glutinose,
- glutinous,
- gone to seed,
- gooey,
- gossamery,
- grubby,
- grumous,
- gumbo,
- gumbolike,
- gumlike,
- gummous,
- gummy,
- heavy,
- holey,
- humid,
- in rags,
- in shreds,
- in tatters,
- incorrect,
- inelegant,
- inferior,
- informal,
- inspissated,
- irregular,
- jelled,
- jellied,
- jellylike,
- jerry,
- jerry-built,
- light,
- lightweight,
- loose,
- low-class,
- low-grade,
- low-quality,
- low-test,
- lumpen,
- marshy,
- mean,
- messy,
- moist,
- mucilaginous,
- muggy,
- mussy,
- namby-pamby,
- negligent,
- obstinate,
- out-of-date,
- outmoded,
- paltry,
- papery,
- pasteboardy,
- pasty,
- patchy,
- persistent,
- poky,
- poor,
- punk,
- puny,
- ragged,
- raggedy,
- rainy,
- ratty,
- ropy,
- roric,
- roriferous,
- ruinous,
- run-down,
- scraggly,
- scruffy,
- second-best,
- second-class,
- seedy,
- self-adhesive,
- shabby,
- shattery,
- shoddy,
- sissified,
- slabby,
- slack,
- slatternly,
- sleazy,
- slight,
- slimy,
- slipshod,
- slithery,
- sloppy,
- slovenly,
- sluttish,
- sordid,
- squalid,
- starchy,
- stickable,
- sticky,
- stodgy,
- stringy,
- stubborn,
- swampy,
- syrupy,
- tasteless,
- tattered,
- tatty,
- tawdry,
- tenacious,
- thick,
- thickened,
- third-class,
- third-rate,
- threadbare,
- tinny,
- torn,
- tough,
- tremelloid,
- tremellose,
- unbecoming,
- undried,
- unkempt,
- unneat,
- unsightly,
- unsubstantial,
- unsuitable,
- untidy,
- viscid,
- viscose,
- viscous,
- vulgar,
- wet,
- wettish,
- wispy,
- womanish