Exact Match:
- timidity
- fearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities
- fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions
- afraidness,
- bashfulness,
- chicken-liveredness,
- chickenheartedness,
- confusion,
- cowardice,
- cowardliness,
- coyness,
- demureness,
- demurity,
- diffidence,
- embarrassment,
- faintheart,
- faintheartedness,
- fear,
- fearfulness,
- henheartedness,
- jumpiness,
- lily-liveredness,
- milksopism,
- milksoppiness,
- milksoppishness,
- mousiness,
- pigeonheartedness,
- self-consciousness,
- shamefacedness,
- shamefastness,
- shrinkingness,
- shyness,
- skittishness,
- softness,
- stage fright,
- stagefright,
- stammering,
- startlishness,
- timidness,
- timorousness,
- unmanfulness,
- unmanliness,
- weakheartedness,
- weakness,
- yellowness