Exact Match:
- trimming
- the act of adding decoration; "the children had to be in bed before it was time for the trimming of the tree"
- a decoration or adornment on a garment; "the trimming on a hat"; "the trim on a shirt"
- Smyth sewing,
- Waterloo,
- adjunct,
- adornment,
- arrangement,
- backing,
- beading,
- beating,
- bibliopegy,
- binder board,
- binding,
- bonus,
- book cloth,
- book cover,
- book jacket,
- bookbinding,
- bookcase,
- bordering,
- bordure,
- case,
- casemaking,
- casing-in,
- collapse,
- collating,
- collating mark,
- color,
- color patterns,
- conquering,
- conquest,
- cover,
- crash,
- deathblow,
- debacle,
- decor,
- decoration,
- defeat,
- destruction,
- downfall,
- drubbing,
- dust cover,
- dust jacket,
- edging,
- elaboration,
- embellishment,
- emblazonment,
- emblazonry,
- embroidery,
- extra,
- extra added attraction,
- extra dash,
- failure,
- fall,
- filigree,
- filling,
- fillip,
- fimbria,
- fimbriation,
- flounce,
- flourish,
- flower arrangement,
- folding,
- footband,
- frill,
- frilling,
- fringe,
- furbelow,
- furniture arrangement,
- galloon,
- garnish,
- garnishment,
- garniture,
- gathering,
- gluing-off,
- hard binding,
- headband,
- hem,
- hiding,
- illumination,
- jacket,
- lagniappe,
- lambasting,
- lathering,
- library binding,
- licking,
- lining,
- lining-up,
- list,
- mastery,
- mechanical binding,
- motif,
- niggerhead,
- ornament,
- ornamentation,
- overcoming,
- overthrow,
- overturn,
- padding,
- perfect binding,
- plastic binding,
- premium,
- quietus,
- rounding,
- ruffle,
- ruin,
- saddle stitching,
- selvage,
- sewing,
- side sewing,
- signature,
- skirting,
- slipcase,
- slipcover,
- smash,
- smashing,
- soft binding,
- something extra,
- spiral binding,
- stamping,
- stapling,
- stuffing,
- subdual,
- subduing,
- subjugation,
- superaddition,
- supple,
- tailband,
- temporizing,
- thrashing,
- timeserving,
- tipping,
- trim,
- trouncing,
- twist,
- undoing,
- valance,
- vanquishment,
- welt,
- whipping,
- window dressing,
- wire stitching,
- wrapper,
- wrinkle