Exact Match:
- truancy
- failure to attend (especially school)
- French leave,
- abscondence,
- absence,
- absence without leave,
- absentation,
- absenteeism,
- absenting,
- clock-watching,
- cut,
- day off,
- default,
- departure,
- disappearance,
- dodging,
- ducking,
- escape,
- excused absence,
- fleeing,
- furlough,
- goofing off,
- holiday,
- hooky,
- leave,
- leave of absence,
- leaving,
- malingering,
- nonappearance,
- nonattendance,
- running away,
- sabbatical leave,
- shirking,
- sick leave,
- skulking,
- slacking,
- soldiering,
- tax dodging,
- tax evasion,
- truantism,
- unexcused absence,
- vacation,
- welshing